
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.


I never thought of peace as something I could have let alone want. It always felt to be a mere threat of a thing that could happen rather than something I would want or seek out. Peace was something that the world should want, but the powers that be never do anything to actually make it happen. It seemed to me a bit of a foreign, and even a changeable, concept.
I can’t say that I have known much peace in my life. Again, it never felt like something real or possible or even desirable. I mean, it’s difficult to want something if you’ve never known or seen it before. As much as I have enjoyed living alone for several years now, peace never entered the equation. Roommates and landlords and odd neighborly situations abound, but peace? Nah.
Peace, at least in my mind, is so often associated with religion and spirituality, something you must work toward and suffer for. Peace is something rich ladies paid a lot of money for fancy retreats in remote locales in order to achieve. It always felt like there was a catch, basically. “Poor kids don’t know peace! Weird kids don’t know peace! This is all just more fluff and woo and attached to a giant price tag! No thank you!” my inner self decided long ago, even insisted on.
The universe, or what I believe to be a force of nature that others may see as “god” in their own forms, has ways of showing us our own bullshit. We have to be paying attention, however, and I’m doubtful that many of us are. It is hard to hear the “good voices” over the bad, internally that is. Especially when you’re stuck in survival mode for so long, it’s definitely hard to hear anything else but your own struggles and needs to get by.
I never knew peace was something you simply needed to create space for. I don’t mean build an altar or buy a book or anything like that. I truly mean just creating space, in your life, for peace to exist. You don’t need to buy or to have anything at all. I suppose time is the real puzzle piece here. Time to get to just yourself and what matters to you most, deep in your core being. Time can be a luxury, I do realize this. I don’t think you need much time though to plant the seeds for peace.
I did not realize just how much of other people’s noise and life messes affected me on a daily basis. It’s like this terrible howling sound in my office no one can figure out, it is awful, but I try to ignore it until I don’t even think about it anymore. It is obviously there and anyone can hear it, but after awhile your brain just sort of gets used to it. This was how I was handling my burnout, too. I knew I was beyond burnout and heading towards real exhaustion, but I just kept going, not really knowing what else to do. Then I went on my first solo vacation and it was life changing!
Suddenly I was just me. I could think and breathe and just be and do whatever even if that meant nothing at all. I live alone but I carry so much with me in my daily life, we all do, and I couldn’t even tell! The feeling that first day on the Big Island was like nothing else I’d ever experienced. Just a freeness and openness and a sense of ownership over myself in a whole new way. The first morning I woke up so refreshed I was almost scared. I’d never awaken from sleep fully rested like that before. I also spent 20 years of my life with a bed mate (not counting puggo).
That first day I went downtown to get coffee I just felt so fresh and free and just…like the intro credits to The Mary Tyler Moore show! Ha-ha! I don’t know how else to describe it! Ha-ha! Energized?! It felt as though I was glowing and I almost think that I was with the way folks in town interacted with me. I was also wearing a vibrant red dress with huge flowers on it, but it was Hawaii so that isn’t unusual at all. Ha! It was the first time I could honestly say that I was care free! Not something I could ever say about myself previously.
That evening after hiking at the volcanoes and venturing to a local hot spot I came back to my air bnb cottage and just sat down and fucking smiled! I was exhilarated by my own existence in that very moment. I couldn’t even eat the food I’d bought, I was just completely at peace with myself and the world. I was tired as fuck, but I had found something I could hold onto in that moment and carry with me even to today!
No, the secret to finding peace isn’t visiting Hawaii, though I encourage you to if that is your thing. It is about finding a way, your own way, to getting rid of all that bullshit that lives in our heads and on our shoulders so we can actually see and feel and know what we want and need versus just doing what we have always done or to go with the flow…whose flow?! Find or make your own, I say!
This morning I woke up ten minutes before my alarm. Normally I would adjust the alarm to allow for an extra 5 or so minutes. Not today. Today I simply turned off the alarm before it went off and I laid in my bed in absolute mindful peace. Like no thoughts in my head at all! That almost never happens. I’ve tried tons of tips and tricks on meditation and breathing and all the things. This was different because it was mine. This was for me by me. I had not yet begun to think about the day or week ahead, even my lil’ puggo had not yet roused from his slumber. It was just me, warm and comfortable in my own bed. I relished in it!
I see myself and my life differently now, ever since that trip. Because now I know what peace feels like and it feels hella good! And you know how it goes, you like how something feels and you just want more of that goodness, right?!  For someone with C-PTSD, along with garden variety anxiety/depression/insomnia, to find peace even for a moment has gotta be some kind of amazing feat! Can I give myself a medal? I just want a medal for some reason. Ha-ha!
I never thought it possible, but I do feel like peace is part of my life now. I am much more mindful of how much is pressing on my mind and how much I am carrying with me that isn’t really mine to carry. I’m far more protective of who I allow into my space, physically and energetically. People often don’t know that they are giving off some fucked up energy but now I swear I can feel it before I even know where it’s coming from. Ugh! I also look forward to time and space with loved ones more than I have in a long time. I want to focus more on all of the people and things and experiences that bring more peace and general good feels in my life. It doesn’t have to look like anyone else’s, but it can be all mine.
Had you told me this a year ago I might’ve laughed. Had you told me I would have traveled, for leisure, on my own, I would have been surprised. Now my weekends are for restoration of self. All that I give away in my professional life, all that I do or take on personally, I choose to let go of and take measure of all what needs to be replenished. That is my Friday nights now. I make no plans with anyone on Friday nights because they are bookmarked for me. I know that if I don’t create this space, and consciously let go of the week’s baggage, I will feel worse for it and it will take a toll on me. I feel it physically when I haven’t had enough time like that to myself to decompress, debrief, destress, and just shake off alllllll that shit. Now if I could just figure out a way to establish a stretching routine into my day…ha-ha!
How do you find peace in your life? How to you create space for it? What have you tried that has helped you let go of all of the things buzzing around in your mind? This is still a work in progress, one that I hope won’t end for some time. While I am not religious, I do see connections to things and humans and how what I see as nature/universe/elements is a lot like what others see as “god”. I find comfort and peace in these just as much as others may in studying or congregating in their faith. I have been paying closer attention to the moon and give thanks to her, no matter how much she is shining for us each night. I feel more grounded now and while I am working through some other personal/internal things, I am quite proud of how far I’ve come in a short amount of time.

I’m here for realness and sincerity, honesty and vulnerability, I’m here for the good and juicy bits of life that shine for me when I know I’m heading in the right direction.

Rad Fatty Love to ALL,


P.S. Check out and use the hashtag: #FatAndFree on Instagram & Facebook!

Check out the Fat AF podcast on your favorite podcast app for all things fat sex with me and my BFF, Michaela! (You can listen straight from the web, too!)

Donate to this blog here:

My blog’s Facebook page for things I share that aren’t on this blog (updated daily): 

Or get the same “shared” content on Twitter: @NotBlueAtAll

Are you on MeWe? I started a fat-feminist group there called, Rad Fatties Unlimited, look for it!

I also have an Instagram, though I don’t post much, I have been trying to:

And as always, please feel free to drop me a line in comments here or write me an email, I love hearing from readers. (Tell me your troubles, I don’t judge.):

When the mood grabs ya…

I had the best fucking time last night 100% on my own at home! I had started the day a it early, well, for a Sunday. One of my besties is in Little Shop of Horrors in Gilroy, his show was at 2pm, but we wanted to eat and have a fun day of it before that time. So we hit up a fun breakfast place in San Jose before hitting the road south. We decided to hit up a couple of wineries for some tastings and I was so glad that we did!
If you’ve never been, wine tasting in Gilroy is so much less fussy than say Napa or Livermore. It’s more chill, down to earth, I guess more working class in general. We have visited as a group a few times in the past but I do not think we’d previously been in this part of the winter. It worked out in our favor, I think, since there weren’t any crowds and we had the second winery all to ourselves.
I’m no wine snob, I’m willing to try any wines, it’s fun. I particularly enjoy hearing origin stories of wineries or little family histories often told in such settings. I love hearing about each wines’ unique notes and stories, too. I feel it is a more guided journey rather than simply buying a bottle based on label and price point alone. It certainly tastes better anyway! Ha-ha! Each time I discover something new or find myself rethinking previously formed opinions.
I used to think I hated white wines, specifically chardonnays. Now I know I simply don’t care for the older style “buttery – oaky” finish. I have even bought bottles at wineries because I was so surprised by how much I liked something I didn’t think I would. I find that it forces me to check with myself and really pay attention. Plus our taste buds change over time so it’s always nice to find something new to enjoy when it was not pleasant before.
I was riding a pretty great buzz the entire day! When we got to the theater we found they had beer and wine and my friend Tom bought me a glass of Pinot Grigio, yum! We sat down and waited for the show to begin and that’s when P showed us this basket of a truly great snack mix on our table. I didn’t pay much attention at first but soon found myself munching away on tiny pretzels and cheesy crackers and other fun stuff in there. They even provided free snack refills! I don’t think I had been to that theater before but it was nice and accessible, even if the chairs weren’t the most comfortable, but that could have simply been that mine had a back leaning a bit far for my taste.
The show was really good! I had seen many iterations over the years, but it was the first time Jery had been in the show. The vocals were great and over all the show was a lot of fun. P and I were particularly in love with this one part where the three backup vocalists are outside the window of the flower shop and Jery made this face we all know too well and we were just splitting our sides over his dramatic face in an otherwise hilarious moment. It was brilliant! When you get to see your bestie take on so many big roles over the years it was awesome to see him have fun with one that would seem to be more background player but was in reality was integral to the show.
P is my favorite photobomber (my camera blurred him out).
Plus he’s always down for a selfie!
Real friends celebrate mutual silliness!
We all met up again for dinner afterwards at Applebee’s and were back to our usual silly selves. I swear we are like twelve year old boys when we’re together, but I wouldn’t have it any other way. There is a lot of love in our little crew. We’ve known each other for over twenty years. We give each other a lot of shit, but it always comes from a good place. It was a great day and they dropped me back off at my apartment when all was said and done. I just didn’t know that my night wasn’t completely over!
I was blissed out and still buzzing from the day’s boozin’ so I put on some music and started to groove a bit on my own. And then a song popped into my head! “Alexa, play Back to Life by Soul II Soul!” This is when I started to really dance around my house! Ha-ha! Then it was PM Dawn! Then it was Jon Secada! Then it was SWV! I was having the time of my damned life! Ha-ha! Just swaying and twirling in my kitchen and living room. The puggo never does appreciate it when I dance or sing for him. Such a grump! Ha!
I didn’t even turn on my television until I was pooped from dancing and needed to wind down before bed. I text some friends and even invited my FWB over, but they get up early for work and it was already 8pm. I did not even care, I was just wanting to share my good mood. Truly I cannot believe how happy I was and so carefree last night! And the best part is that I have no hangover what so ever! The key there is that I never got super drunk, I drank water throughout the day, and just kept drinking so it never peaked or valleyed. Not recommending this as an everyday life hack or anything, but damn I was feeling awesome! I think I am my best self when I am dancing and there is nothing wrong with that, regardless of sobriety.
I guess I needed to not only hang with loved ones but to also have that blissed out self care time as well. I’ve been doubling down on my self care because I know I usually deprioritize it. I had had a massage on Friday and felt so much better physically all weekend, too. If you live in Northern California or the SF Bay Area, I HIGHLY recommend A Sovereign Embodiment for any body work or ritual/spiritual needs you may have. Also check out and support the fundraiser if you are able to! It is such valuable and important work they are doing and they have given so much to our community already. I can personally attest to the quality of body and spiritual work they do. I had pain in my right foot for about two months, I knew it was nothing serious, but Irene investigated and worked out what felt like a million knots tangled into each other in the ball of my foot and not a day later I was dancing around without a care in the world! THAT IS SPECIAL! When she read my cards for the upcoming year I saw and felt things I both knew and didn’t want to. Ha-ha! This is work but it is necessary! Growth isn’t comfortable, but it vital!
I hope that you are able to do things that feed you, heal you, serve you, and get you to whatever your version of “blissed out and dancing in the living room” is! We all deserve to feel good in our bodies and tap into a purer form of our true selves from time to time. It may look and feel very different for you and that is fantastic! Whatever it is, just do it! You deserve it! Wooooooooooo!

I’m here for realness and sincerity, honesty and vulnerability, I’m here for the good and juicy bits of life that shine for me when I know I’m heading in the right direction.

Rad Fatty Love to ALL,


P.S. Check out and use the hashtag: #FatAndFree on Instagram & Facebook!

Check out the Fat AF podcast on your favorite podcast app for all things fat sex with me and my BFF, Michaela! (You can listen straight from the web, too!)

Donate to this blog here:

My blog’s Facebook page for things I share that aren’t on this blog (updated daily): 

Or get the same “shared” content on Twitter: @NotBlueAtAll

Are you on MeWe? I started a fat-feminist group there called, Rad Fatties Unlimited, look for it!

I also have an Instagram, though I don’t post much, I have been trying to:

And as always, please feel free to drop me a line in comments here or write me an email, I love hearing from readers. (Tell me your troubles, I don’t judge.):

My 2nd Big Fat Solo Adventure: Seattle!


Whimsy is such an underrated thing, darlings. It’s hard to create space for it in our daily lives, let alone the time. About two months ago I was notified of a flash sale on Alaska Airlines and it was just too good of a deal to pass up. So where did I go? Seattle! With no plan or agenda, no real reason to go, other than just why not. I was not even excited to go, to be frank. My very brief whirlwind of a relationship came to an abrupt end when the other person acted really dumb when they came over to my place last Saturday and then ghosted me. So, I ended it and flew to Seattle the next day.

I didn’t know it at the time, but I needed this trip! I needed the whimsy! I needed to be on my own and just do whatever the hell I wanted and take my sweet time doing it. I knew I wanted to visit the Museum of Pop Culture (formerly the Experience Music Project). And I knew I wanted to catch up with a friend who moved up there a few months ago, but that was it.

I hadn’t been to Seattle in ten or maybe fifteen years. Back in the late 90’s when my ex-husband and I were not yet engaged, we visited a few times to feel it out and seriously considered moving there. It didn’t work out, but Seattle will always have a special place in my heart. Going back was a serious head trip! On my own I got to take in those feels and sit with them, which I highly recommend. It gave me such peace to be amongst the wet and the green and even the cold up there.

I snapped a selfie when I got to my air bnb

I stayed in an air bnb in the Fremont area and it was a nice spot over all. Great location without being in the middle of the city. There were lots of great restaurants and shops nearby, it just had a great vibe. I had a rental car and while I didn’t explore much, what I saw just made my twisted little heart happy.
I had deleted all of my dating apps once that abbreviated relationship began. I decided the morning before I left for the airport that I would download Tinder and use it to possibly find a dinner companion, nothing more. I am demisexual so hookups just don’t work for me. I have to feel connected to someone before I even really find that sexually attractive. When I got to my air bnb I got a notification that I had matched with two people on Tinder.
I started chatting with Justin right away, he seemed geeky and chill and knew who he was and what he wanted and I appreciated that. They had just finished dinner but were up for hanging out after. I struggled to find a place I wanted to eat but settled on this French Bistro nearby called Le Coin. I made it there with fifteen minutes left of their happy hour deals. I had a nice cocktail (Tito’s & Cran is my go-to) and ate many delicious things! I felt fancy and deserved it too! 😛
After I met up with Justin, enjoyed some fabulously geeky conversation at length, some “clouds” and later some kisses, too! It was really a lovely evening through and through! I know you must think I’m insane to go to a strange man’s house in a unfamiliar city, but I honestly felt completely safe. They had the most beautiful and luxuriously fluffy siamese cat! And can I just say how much I love it when someone tells me they want to kiss me?! Seriously! OMZ! I’ve had some really great moments in my recent # ButterSpinster life that were preceded by that statement. We even called it a night at a respectable hour and I found some apricot hard cider at the 7-11 nearby on my way home. Score!

The next day I found a great place for some espresso and a lil’ bite for breakfast called, Diva Espresso! Woo! It was tasty and I enjoyed sitting by the window and watching people and their dogs go by. Then I went to the Museum of Pop Culture which was fun, but one of my knees decided it was too cold and pitched a very painful fit for two days. I utilized every elevator in existence (there is a lot of up and down at MoPop to get to the exhibits), got compliments on my dress from the staff, and overwhelmed with emotions at a couple of meaningful spots for me. My faves were the Prince from Minneapolis exhibit, Nirvana: Bringing Punk to the Masses, and the “Scared to Death” horror film exhibit.

Diva Espresso? Yes, please!

Legendary Fashion!

I’m a grunge kid at heart, always will be, so when I walked in to the Nirvana room it was like getting hit in the heart with a brick! Having been there before it was interesting to see new items and set ups and soooooo many of Kurt’s old guitars in various stages of destruction. His handwriting can make me emotional and his doodles always move me in a way I have no words to share. He was such a tender soul and I see how his impact is still alive and well in Washington. I considered driving to Aberdeen to his memorial site but it would have been a 3 hour drive each way and I ran out of time. There was a documentary about the music scene and more specifically the origin of Sub Pop records and all of the bands of that era. It felt like an old friend.

From the exhibit: Nirvana – Bringing Punk to the Masses

Kirt was always a feminist and anti-nazi! <3

I wasn’t “Scared to Death” but thrilled for sure!

I did not expect to get as excited and stoked and happy about the horror exhibit but damn, I got hyped! Seeing props from The Walking Dead and Video Drone and so many other classics made me feel like a kid! There was a sci-fi room and a magic/fantasy room, too. When I walked in to the Sci Fi exhibit I was stunned in place! I was faced with Mork’s uniform! Such a big part of my early childhood right there in front of me! WOW! I choked up a bit! I couldn’t understand why no one else was stopping to look or read the little plaque.

Sexy red lighting!

The Walking Dead: The Governor’s aquarium

Bio Hazard! Or am I the bio hazard?!

I wasn’t too into much of the rest, though I did pause and take in see Spock’s shirt from the original series. I mean to see it up close, though it was faded and appeared more lavender than blue now, the gold stitching was still shiny and intact. While I’ve never been a big fan of Pearl Jam I did go hang out in their exhibit and watched a lengthy slide show of their career set to their catalog. It is an odd feeling to know that all of your musical heroes are dead and yet this one band from a very important and developmental time of my own life is still going strong. It was also strange to hear Jerry Cantrell of Alice in Chains announcing things over the loudspeaker at the SeaTac airport, but these are just wild times, friends.

Mork, from Ork, Uniform <3

Spock’s Shirt, so cool!

I went nuts over this chandelier at the pizza place!
It’s just a regular small brass one but they hung a bunch of rosaries all over and I LOVE IT!

I got to meet up and catch up with a good friend I’ve known for nearly twenty years. We used to work at a music store together and have stayed in touch. They live two hours north of Seattle so we hung out and caught up on our mutual life stuffs at my air bnb for awhile. Finally we decided we wanted Italian food and ended up in this kind of hipster pizza place nearby, Lo Bocca di Lupo. Their pizza was sublime, I had one with mortadella, fresh mozzarella and pistachios! I also got to introduce my friend to the magic of burrata! YUM!

Me being a mega dork

I had wanted to go out that night, I tried to go out that night, but in the end I decided that giving my knee a break would be best and so I stayed in and watched the Astronomy Club on Netflix (new sketch show). It was good! I had a couple of those apricot ciders, and went to sleep at a reasonable hour. I had felt bad at first about not going out, like, I’m in Seattle I should make the most of it, but that whole thing about doing whatever the hell you want? It’s addictive! Ha-ha!

View from the street of my air bnb on my last morning there

The next morning I met up with Justin downtown for great espresso and some lovely breakfast sandwiches. We talked for three hours! There were so many dogs, too! Seattle has too many dogs, possibly, especially for how effing cold it is, but I understand wanting a dog in your life. Honestly, I had a really good time all weekend. So what if I didn’t “get out” and do things like I thought I wanted to. The beautiful part about traveling solo is that I don’t have to worry about a damned thing but my own self! I never even felt anxious the whole time I was there.
Now both of my flights were 100% full and that made me a bit nervous. I did get to check my bag at the gate for free both ways, but I had concerns about a full row of people next to my fat ass on a plane. However, I did not have any issues at all! In fact, on my return flight, they didn’t have a seatbelt extender right away and said they’d bring it to me. While I was fishing the attached seatbelt from beneath my lusciously bountiful butt I decided to see how much extending I was actually going to need when lo ad behold **Click** the seatbelt actually fit! Now I am not placing any good/bad/value/judgements on this, it was a fluke for sure, and it only juuuust fit, but it was a nice surprise just the same as the attendant forgot who had requested the extender. Ha-ha! For reference, I have 62″ hips and a big ole B-belly, I find Alaska’s seats comfortable though not roomy for sure. This was my first time flying with them both ways with a full flight, meaning someone in the middle seat beside me, I had the window. Both ways there was a petite woman in the middle seat and no one complained or seemed uncomfortable.
I am really glad I took this little trip. I am fortunate and very grateful that my ex-husband could watch my sweet lil’ puggo while I was away. He even kept him an extra night just because. When I got to work I felt refreshed! On a Monday! Who knew?! Ha-ha! I think I just needed a lil’ break from the madness that was the last two weeks and before the coming onslaught of holiday nonsense. I also needed to check in with myself after that whole relationship debacle. I’m not sad about it at all, not for a second, and not even a little bit. That part alone almost freaked me out, I tend to feel all the things very deeply, but that was also a sign that I needed to reset so to speak. This being only my second solo leisure travel adventure, I can’t say I’m hooked, but the world does seem to be opening up for me in this new fun way. Without the pressure of others, I can roam, or not, as I choose! Watch out world! 😉

Waiting for my Lyft home at SJC


I’m here for realness and sincerity, honesty and vulnerability, I’m here for the good and juicy bits of life that shine for me when I know I’m heading in the right direction.

Rad Fatty Love to ALL,


P.S. Check out and use the hashtag: #FatAndFree on Instagram & Facebook!

Check out the Fat AF podcast on your favorite podcast app for all things fat sex with me and my BFF, Michaela! (You can listen straight from the web, too!)

Donate to this blog here:

My blog’s Facebook page for things I share that aren’t on this blog (updated daily): 

Or get the same “shared” content on Twitter: @NotBlueAtAll

Are you on MeWe? I started a fat-feminist group there called, Rad Fatties Unlimited, look for it!

I also have an Instagram, though I don’t post much, I have been trying to:

And as always, please feel free to drop me a line in comments here or write me an email, I love hearing from readers. (Tell me your troubles, I don’t judge.):

The Mondayest of Mondays

Not wanting to dump this emotional load on anyone specifically, I figure this is as good a place as any for my current feels. My Monday really started at 10 pm last night when the caterer for work emailed to brag about his brisket being in the smoker for 8 hours already. FUCK! I had double booked our lunch order at work. Had they not emailed I really would have been boned, and not in the good way! So I frantically emailed the other vendor to cancel and all should work out fine, but it was a shitty feeling to go to sleep with. I was already feeling a lot of things, most of which were very heavy, partially due to PMS (maybe, who knows) and partially due to a new relationship I’ve found myself jumping into two weeks ago, but I digress. Starting off my week with a big fat expensive fucking mistake super mega sucks. I pride myself on my reputation of getting shit done and keeping it organized too. Ha-ha!
I get to work and the lunch stuff seems to have been sorted out, only time will tell really. And then I get an email from 23 and Me that a dna relative has sent me a direct message. I rarely log in or even look at such messages, but something felt different and so I did. And it was from a cousin I haven’t seen since they were a child, asking if I was in contact with my bio mom. “No, not in over twenty-five years. Same with her family. My sister is friends with her on FB, so she’s on there for sure.” Well it seems her parents health is failing and they wanted to reach out to her. They said, “Thanks, I’ll let my mom know.” Must be nice. It hurts. To be thought of but only in relation to someone who didn’t want to be a relation to me and my siblings. UGH!
Fuck this has brought up a lot of shit I was not prepared to even think about for awhile. Like, I honestly figured her parents had already passed. But when bio mom left my dad, her entire family never reached out to us again. It was a big family too but they never fully accepted her, so it makes sense that they would reject what she already had rejected (us), I guess. I don’t want to think about them or her at all. I had always wondered about my cousins, but we’re all adults, if anyone gave a flying fuck they could have reached out. No one did. Fuck ’em all!
It’s true, I’m in a new relationship. We met on Bumble, exactly 7 days before I was supposed to give up dating entirely. Our first date was 8 hours long, had an absolute blast, and we deleted the app halfway though. We talked, we drank, we laughed, we danced, and ended up making out in the street at 2 am in Oakland. It was fabulous! The next night was too. By Tuesday of that same week we were exclusive and official. And now either it’s PMS or C-PTSD brain, but a lot of my alarms are going off and I’m full of doubt and wondering what the fucking point is with this shit anyway.
Someone who I was close to at work is visiting today with their new baby. We were close until they were about 7 months pregnant, and they’ve said maybe 4 words to me since. I don’t need this shit! Two close friends are having surgery this week, one of my bffs had a biopsy last week but won’t have any results back until tomorrow. So now I’m mad and confused and tender hearted and wishing I could go back to bed. My puggo is all I want right now!
All of this and I’m also going to Seattle this Friday, just for the weekend, but I’m having conflicting feelings about that too.  I booked the trip because there was a flash sale and a friend moved up there last year. I thought it would be fun to catch up and visit, see a couple of sights, nothing big. Everything is all booked. I’m just hoping I can get excited about it when it’s time to go. Otherwise it all just feels like more stress.
Having to be “on” at work is sucking my will to live at the moment, but I’ll get through. Always do. I didn’t even leave the house yesterday, though I had big ambitions to do so (big being a Trader Joe’s visit but anxiety won that battle). I spent my entire weekend cleaning and then not being able to move at all (anxiety). My person came over Saturday night but it started off on the wrong foot when they just showed up when they had said that they’d text me their eta. So I was dressed and semi-made up, but still cleaning and doing laundry with an apron on and my hair in buns (my equivalent of curlers in a way).
Then they wanted to watch American Football. On my television! They knew I hated it, we’d previously discussed it. Even in the moment they asked about my feelings and we got into the socio/political/economic impact of American Football and they agreed with me, but then still watched the game. And did that thing where they ask if you want them to turn it off but you know they won’t be happy if you say yes. Then they had the nerve to ask if I was enjoying the game, and pointed out that I was also watching it. “Well it is hard to look away, it’s a lot of aggressive imagery!” was my response. Technically I only have one rule in my house, no Morrissey/Smiths, but this may prove a necessary addition. Also, what the fuck did I clean and make myself up for if they weren’t even gonna look at or comment on any of it anyway?!
So here I am. Wondering why I bother to do anything for anyone when I feel like shit every time. Why jump into a monogamous relationship when it is starting to feel like merely a creature comfort and not something deeper?! What is the point when I’m still home alone feeling like human garbage all day every damned Sunday?! People promise you things, they tell you they are consistent, they say they are great communicators, they say they want to get to know you, that they are ready and able to share their feelings, but in reality it always feels so one sided. It’s so much easier on my own! I don’t have to explain myself. I don’t have to want anything or wait for it. I can just be. (FWIW this has way more to do with more important things like my boundaries being pushed and less to do with my dislike of sports.)
This may be a lot of self destructive bullshit, it may be PMS fucking with me, it could be my C-PTSD brain red flagging everything the moment it started to feel good…all plausible and likely, but also it could be my gut telling me that this person isn’t going to prioritize me and I know it so why put myself on a shelf for their convenience? Why do I even believe that was a fucking possibility anymore?! I think I’m just trying to beat myself up at this point. Like a mistake at work means I deserve to just blow up everything else with a fucking match, too! I know time will remedy all of this but I am done waiting to be treated how I know I should. I am done waiting for actions to match words. I will see how this plays out, but I’m not fucking settling. I will have the difficult conversation when appropriate.
I do feel good about being able to help a friend by sending them self care stuffs they needed. They had starting a new job after almost a year on medical leave. Those first days on your feet are brutal and I know that shit all too well. So being able to send them a care package felt really fucking good! And seeing how it has helped them felt really good, too. Another bff just got a new job after being away from full time work for over a year. I could not be happier for them! I am really trying to see the good in things today, so hard! But try as I might, people are assholes and I’m struggling to deal with them at the moment. I just wanna scream and fucking cry!
Also, this is my boss’ last week at the company and it is breaking my fucking heart. He was like one of my all time favorite bosses ever! We have such a great working relationship. We’re about to start a new office project for Denver and I cannot believe I won’t have him with me on this. Not that I can’t handle it, I’m very capable and know better, but damn, the weight of it feels so much heavier. I’ve had so many terrible managers and so much past work trauma, this is all bubbling up to the surface. I know, this too shall pass. **DeepBreaths**
Maybe I’m just depressed. Meh.

I’m here for realness and sincerity, honesty and vulnerability, I’m here for the good and juicy bits of life that shine for me when I know I’m heading in the right direction.

Rad Fatty Love to ALL,


P.S. Check out and use the hashtag: #FatAndFree on Instagram & Facebook!

Check out the Fat AF podcast on your favorite podcast app for all things fat sex with me and my BFF, Michaela! (You can listen straight from the web, too!)

Donate to this blog here:

My blog’s Facebook page for things I share that aren’t on this blog (updated daily): 

Or get the same “shared” content on Twitter: @NotBlueAtAll

Are you on MeWe? I started a fat-feminist group there called, Rad Fatties Unlimited, look for it!

I also have an Instagram, though I don’t post much, I have been trying to:

And as always, please feel free to drop me a line in comments here or write me an email, I love hearing from readers. (Tell me your troubles, I don’t judge.):

A Night Off to Kick Up Your Heels!


While I do enjoy my lil’ hermit life, so much, I also think it’s a good idea to get out and cut loose sometimes. I’m not a big partier in the usual sense, though I do enjoy a nice cocktail with friends, I just hadn’t been up to much in a good long while. Most often it’s more of a lack of good timing or planning on my part, but it seems Friday night is the more popular night to hit the town and do it up right. Unfortunately, I am so dead ass tired after work on Fridays that I even missed my favorite dance night of the year, “The Cure” Night at my local goth club. **LeSigh**

Last December I reunited with an old friend and we bonded over Netflix’s “Nailed It” hosted by Nicole Byer. That first season we were mad at her stylist, like some of the stuff they had her wear was just bad, but now we look forward to her new look in every episode! A few months back I received an email for a really great deal to see Nicole Byer at the San Jose Improv and I reached out to my friend to see if they’d wanna make a whole night of it since they live a couple of hours away. They were down and so I got the tickets and kind of forgot about it. Ha-ha! Then the new season of “Nailed It” hit Netflix and we agreed to save it to watch together. Yay!

They arrived and I was a bit of a mess, as usual, but we quickly fell into a nice afternoon of laughs and “Nailed It” episodes. When we finished the new season it was just about time to get some food and start getting ready for the show. I didn’t know WTF to wear, I rarely do, but went with what felt best. I wanted to look and feel sexy, and maybe what I chose wasn’t overtly sexy to some, but I felt fabulous so who cares?! My old Torrid stretch velvet pencil skirt is my absolute favorite item of clothing, I even bought a backup! Ha-ha! My top & blazer are also Torrid, though from early spring ’19. My shoes are one of my fave bargain finds, platform suede mauve sandals from Vionic, yep orthopedic shoes with style! My right foot had been hurting me for about two weeks, I am certain I bruised the tendon, but I digress. I just wanted to look cute but not be miserable all night and those sandals did the trick! I didn’t do anything fancy with my hair or makeup but still felt fresh to death.

We had a couple of my fantastic and refreshing cocktails (don’t have a name for it): 2 shots vodka (I prefer Ketel One’s Botanical Peach and Orange Blossom), 6-8 oz. black cherry White Claw (hard seltzer), and a healthy splash of lemonade, stir to mix. It is delightful, I assure you. Once ready I ordered our Lyft and we were on our way in 3 minutes! I don’t live far from downtown so it only took us about ten minutes to get there. Our driver dropped us off right out front of the Improv and we already felt like celebs! Ha-ha! When they told us that we’d have to sit upstairs we were both concerned. So I pulled one of the ushers aside, he was an older black gentleman who was very sweet to us when we entered, and I incredulously said, “Now are the seats up there going to fit all of this ass we have going on here (gestures very broadly to the bodacious bounty that was our asses)? It looks like theater seats and those don’t usually work for us.” He smiled and nodded and assured us that we would be fine and if not to come get him specifically. I cannot speak for my friend, but I barely fit so I am certain that they were mildly, if not more so,  uncomfortable throughout the entire show.

If you’ve never been to a comedy show you may not know that there is almost always a 2 drink/item minimum. We were not even worried about that as this was all part of our plan, but if you’re trying to keep to a budget this is not something you want to find out about too late. We ordered some vodka cocktails called “Darker the Berry” that had blackberries. They had an option of a souvenir glass if you ordered two so we both got one and these cute mason jar brownies with caramel and whipped cream. Delightful through and through, though I could have had two more of those brownies on my own! Ha-ha! The drinks were great and the show began right after we got them. The host was a young blond guy who was kind of funny but not very relatable and not really connecting with the audience, truth be told. The opener was this gorgeous Russian Jewish woman who was fucking hilarious! I’m sorry I don’t recall their names, but it isn’t on the ticket and searching online has been unfruitful.

I snapped a couple of quick-silly selfies in the theater before the show started.

When Nicole Byer came out the crowd lost their minds. It was loud! Ha-ha! But we were cheering too! After all, we’d spent the whole day watching her on Netflix. She was wearing some cute tennis shoes and leopard print leggings, but for some reason also a light colored striped t-shirt that confused the hell out of both myself and my friend. Nicole Byer looked great, though, don’t get me wrong. I am only now wondering if in that first season of “Nailed It” she was styling herself and I do feel bad about that. Ha-ha! She started off her set with having everyone shout “Nailed It!” so it was out of their systems. She says she hates it when folks just run up and yell that at her, though it’s her favorite job ever to be on the show.

A lot of her jokes were about not having a man and being a black woman comic in America. She even took the basics of Harry Potter and aligned them with some interestingly coincidental facts about the KKK. Correlation is not causation, but then she also went all in on the Disney Princess films and gave her own commentary on consent and how a lot of those movies were super creepy if they weren’t animated. She’s not wrong but what she said about Cinderella made me mad…she said she cat-fished prince charming and I do not agree. She wanted a nice night off work, out in a fancy dress and who the heck doesn’t want a day off to kick up their heels?! Ha-ha! Her set was great and we walked out still giggling.

We had no other specific plan but we were definitely not ready to call it a night, it wasn’t even 10 pm yet! I knew of a great bar not far but then we walked a block in the wrong direction. I have no internal sense of direction, y’all! And when GPS shows directions on foot it doesn’t always show you which way is which, or at least I always get confused. Anyway, it was serendipitous because we found all these great murals and decided it was time to take some fab pics since we were having a blast and looking fine as hell.

I thought it was so hilarious that I was trying to showcase my ass in front of this “Gold hearted” mural, but hashtag alcohol 😛

We finally made it to the bar I had wanted to hit up, but not without incident. Just a few yards from the entrance a guy who looked wasted out of his mind tried to grab my friend and a guy selling roses on the street tried to put his arm around me when I told him I didn’t need a boyfriend. We were not there for dudes, we were there for us! Once inside we were good, found a great spot by the dance floor and just enjoyed ourselves and some Tito’s and Crans (vodka & cranberry juice). The guy who tried to grab my friend walked in as I was at the bar ordering. He stood in front of them for like a minute just staring and then walked to the back. Security clocked him immediately and escorted him out. That is just one of the reasons I like that bar (notice I won’t give the name Ha!), security was on it and were super chill, too.

Then the DJ started to play some early 2000’s jams and I couldn’t help it, I had to dance. Soon others joined in! It was silly and fun! As long as the music was good, we just kept drinking and dancing. When it took a sudden turn for the worst and didn’t let up, we knew it was time to move on. That is when I discovered this gorgeously lit alleyway while we searched for our next spot to live it up. I have a Pixel 3 phone and it has the absolute best phone camera I’ve ever experienced first hand. I was never that big on selfies before this phone, like I took them but wasn’t into  it, ya know? But now?! Whew! Lemme at ’em! I mean…LOOK:

This is probably my favorite pic from this past year!

We found another couple of bars around the way but then ended up hanging out at this one for the rest of the night, I don’t know the name but I do know it was right by a sign that said, “Social Ladies Club” so in my drunken state that is where we were because we were being social. Ha-ha! Really we were about to just walk by when I heard the “Humpty Dance” playing loudly out of this one place and I yelled to no one at all, “Well they might as well just announce my name over the loud speaker, damn!” and walked in dancing. I’m a bay area gal for sure! The hits kept coming, too! I danced in one basic spot at the front of the bar by the entrance for a solid two hours! I knew we were the oldest and fattest there, but we were also having the best time and could see looks of envy on some other patrons faces. The bartender was good and friendly and even security was trying to dance by us!

I was really into this ha-ha!


Finally though, my dogs were barking, my hips started aching and I just knew if I had any more drinks I would be in serious trouble. So we walked back to the Improv and ordered a Lyft back home. By this point (2 am) there was already a long line of police cars in the street, no actual cops mind you. I was telling my friend how when the clubs let out the party just fills the streets and people dance and fight and the cops just watch. It’s true! I love it. I mean, not people fighting or cops, but just the downtown party vibe, it’s the best. There’s food carts and just good times! Downtown San Jose is so underrated! Part of me is glad though because I don’t want it to get worn out. It’s definitely changed a lot over the years, but I still enjoy it. When the Lyft arrived the driver had an 80’s station on and soon all three of us were singing along!

When we got back to my place we put on one last “Nailed It”, as it was a holiday edition, had some snacks and went to bed. A few hours later, when my doggo woke me up, I realized just how much fun I had when every joint, bone, and muscle in my body was screaming in pain. It was rough, y’all! I drank some water and tried to go back to sleep but that was harder than it sounds. Finally I took something for the pain and got some more sleep. When we woke up we both needed coffee. I made my friend what I have every morning: 4 shots of fresh espresso with milk! Ah! I could barely move the rest of the day. I was glad to not feel like garbage waking up for work the following day. In fact, I felt great! Who knew?!

San Jose knows how to party!

In the end I guess I just needed to cut loose and kick up my heels, literally! I’m usually quite introverted and prefer to just dance at home and save money. Ha-ha! This night was special and I am so glad I forced myself to do that, it seems I truly needed it. It wasn’t about meeting anyone or attracting attention, it was pure pleasure! I think that was the key.


I’m here for realness and sincerity, honesty and vulnerability, I’m here for the good and juicy bits of life that shine for me when I know I’m heading in the right direction.

Rad Fatty Love to ALL,


P.S. Check out and use the hashtag: #FatAndFree on Instagram & Facebook!

Check out the Fat AF podcast on your favorite podcast app for all things fat sex with me and my BFF, Michaela! (You can listen straight from the web, too!)

Donate to this blog here:

My blog’s Facebook page for things I share that aren’t on this blog (updated daily): 

Or get the same “shared” content on Twitter: @NotBlueAtAll

Are you on MeWe? I started a fat-feminist group there called, Rad Fatties Unlimited, look for it!

I also have an Instagram, though I don’t post much, I have been trying to:

And as always, please feel free to drop me a line in comments here or write me an email, I love hearing from readers. (Tell me your troubles, I don’t judge.):

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