This week’s Tank Top Tuesday post comes from Heather of FatGirlPosing!
“God, it took me forever to be able to wear something without sleeves, but when I started, I really threw myself into tank tops, tube tops, spaghetti straps and halter tops. I’m not sure at what point I stopped wearing 3/4 length sleeves in the summer (with long jeans I might add)…. in North Carolina. I know it was before I knew anything about fat acceptance, but damnit, I wanted to just be able to wear clothing like everyone else! I think when we moved to an apartment with a pool and my (then) 4 year old son insisted on going up every single day that the pool was open and I had to dust off that bathing suit I got more comfortable with my body even before I knew that that was a thing. Yeah. Speaking of my son.. I am constantly aware of and grateful for the fact that I discovered body acceptance before I had a chance to rub off any body hate onto him. When he finally asked me why I was fat (and he and daddy weren’t) I just said “because my body is really good at storing energy!” and “everyone’s body is different- isn’t it awesome that people come in all shapes and sizes?” This is from my son’s first day of school.
Lovely picture & dress, Heather! Thank you so much for sharing this with us all here. I love your ability to rock magenta hair, too! Ha-ha! Just proves that we (fats) can do anything. We can be mothers/fathers/aunts/uncles/etc…and still lead happy and healthy lives, too! Woo!
I am taking submissions from anyone who wants to exercise their right to Bare Arms for future Tank Top Tuesday posts! Email your pics here:, please include the name you’d like in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on bare arms or other fatty philosophies. It does not have to be in a tank top, so long as your arms are bare. Have fun with it!
Also, feel free to still treat comments as TMI topic/discussion/venting area! Feel free to ask TMI questions or just vent/rant about your own stuff. I love it! We all do! =0)
**Friend of the blog Erylin, has a clothing swap coming up in Kansas city mo. we will be having one on September 25th at the north Kansas city library right off of armour and I-35. (if you need more info leave a reply and we will connect you somehow). **
^_^ thanks doll. the outfit is actually a skirt and a top with a belt. I got the skirt at a fat clothing swap and I absolutely love it! Also, I just noticed that if you click on the photo and see it larger you can see my car magnet that says “triangle fatties” hehe.. 😛 totally advertising for the fatties!
@Heather: Nice! Triangle Fatties? Is that in reference to the gay community or your local area? Awesome either way! Ha! Thanks so much for the submission!
I lurve tank tops. And cool moms with gorgeous pink hair. Yay!
What I don’t love is sexist princess wear for kids. I mostly don’t fit in anything at Forever 21, but won’t be buying anything there because of this. Geez! Girls are too cute to do homework? Their brothers do their algebra?
Love the pic and the post! I’m the fat mother of a tiny daughter and married to a thin man so am expecting the ‘why are you fat mummy’ question at some point… I love your answer and hope mine will be just as good 🙂
^_^ thanks doll. the outfit is actually a skirt and a top with a belt. I got the skirt at a fat clothing swap and I absolutely love it! Also, I just noticed that if you click on the photo and see it larger you can see my car magnet that says “triangle fatties” hehe.. 😛 totally advertising for the fatties!
@Heather: Nice! Triangle Fatties? Is that in reference to the gay community or your local area? Awesome either way! Ha! Thanks so much for the submission!
I lurve tank tops. And cool moms with gorgeous pink hair. Yay!
What I don’t love is sexist princess wear for kids. I mostly don’t fit in anything at Forever 21, but won’t be buying anything there because of this. Geez! Girls are too cute to do homework? Their brothers do their algebra?
As an educator and a marketer AND a feminist, this really, really burns my biscuits:
@Chutti: Yes, that shirt was bullshit! How on earth that go onto the market I’ll never know! UGH!
Love the pic and the post! I’m the fat mother of a tiny daughter and married to a thin man so am expecting the ‘why are you fat mummy’ question at some point… I love your answer and hope mine will be just as good 🙂