Tank Top Tuesday!!!
This weeks Tank Top Tuesday submission comes from Jessica in Mastatal, Costa Rica hand grinding freshly roasted cacao beans.
My body is not an embarrassment that I need to cover up. My physical comfort is more important than someone else’s discomfort about the size or shape of my body. Don’t like what you see? Then don’t look at me. I don’t need permission to wear a tank top. There are no restrictions or exclusive use rights provided to smaller people. If it’s hot and humid, I have a right to bear arms!
As far as websites to plug:
Awesome! Thanks Jessica! You look fantastic, but more importantly, happy! Woo Hoo!
I am taking submissions from anyone who wants to exercise their right to Bare Arms! Email your pics here: notblueatall@notblueatall.com, please include the name you’d like included in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on bare arms or other fatty philosophies. It does not have to be in a tank top, so long as your arms are bare. Have fun with it!
Thanks for including me. Just noticed that I wrote “bear arms” instead of bare arms. What is with me and bears lately? http://tshirtgroove.com/wp-content/uploads/2008/04/the-second-amendment-tshirt.jpg
Oh no & I missed it, too! Ha-ha! No worries. That shirt is hilarious!