Show Some Love
I saw this cute banner and concept over at yesterday and loved it!
So I thought I would participate since I love hearts and showing love! Woo!

You can start by Loving your Body. Say something nice about it.
Thank your body for being there for you and getting you where you need to be.
Thank your body for being there for you and getting you where you need to be.
Let’s stop judging each other. Let’s stop judging ourselves.
Find your inner-Jessica and make a habit out of body love:
Do something kind to your body and for your self.
You are worth every ounce of effort and love in the world.
Now believe it and when you’re ready, own it!
Jessica is AWESOME! I’m not usually one for affirmations, but hers… hers I could love and squish and giggle at all day long and well into the night.
Still working on the connections for tomorrow. I hope to be able to work it out. Keep your fingers crossed for me.
In the meantime, I’m loving my body by feeding it well and not moving too much in the heat. But fresh strawberries tonight, babe! I love my CSA! I love my vegetables! I love my fruits! I love my box of yummy things! I love my kitchen! I love my knives! I love my dishes! I love my stuff! I can do ANYTHING!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yay! You CAN do anything!!! I’m all about the fresh fruits/veg in this heat, too! I shall keep my fingers, toes and whatever else I can think of, fully crossed!!!