Self-care…Keeping Track
So, feeling a fright, Monday night I took it easy. I chilled out, played video games with a friend and then did my nails. Sort of a mini-manicure, really. I took care of my cuticles and polish Tuesday night. I had been growing my nails out and having fun with all clear nail polish and then one glam nail (ring fingers) and digging the look quite a bit. People keep asking why just the one nail, is this some big trend, was that on purpose, etc. I dunno, I just like it.
I am experimenting with this self-care stuff. I want to see how many consecutive days I can do something for myself without putting pressure on myself about it. It should just be easy, but it never is. Why is this so difficult? I know doing my nails sounds trivial, but it matters. Cutting my nails short again gave me a sense of freedom…at least whilst typing and packing and shipping. I don’t have to be as careful with my digits and am enjoying the return of my typerly swiftness.
Tonight I think I will give myself that cucumber face mask that keeps staring at me when I grab my moisturizer each morning. I will lay on my bed, put on some chill-out tunes, turn out the lights and just let the mask dry as it will. Then I will take a long, hot shower and keep the thoughts at bay. I will allow the steam to envelope me and not worry about looking in the mirror…at all!
There is something somewhat transforming about a nice hot shower. You can make of it what you will, but for me I like to close my eyes while I go about my cleansing rituals. I’ve always believed that this is good exercise for my brain. I will also, occasionally, eat with my left hand for a day or a week…for my brain! In the shower though I like to let my mind wander unguarded. I won’t think about work or chores in there. I will focus on my breathing and the how the water feels on my scalp (my fave!) and how my shampoo smells and how I love the sound of the water trickling off of my belly and boobs and butt and rolls.
When I think of the word Sensual, I think cheesy-sex stuff. But this shower thing I’m talking about? That’s the real Sensual thing there. Engaging the senses! Woo! I need to do more of that! Like when you take a bite of food, we’re all so busy we hardly think to actually taste and savor and enjoy…but we should! I should! I will, dammit! Self-care, baby! Let’s do this!!!
What self-care is your favorite or most neglected? Would keeping track help? Anyone try that self-care jar idea I had ages ago? I may have to do it myself…though no monies to put in at the mo…meh.
Funny, but I had a shower just like that yesterday. It was absolutely delicious.
I’m encouraging Mr. Twistie to begin having regular foot massages. With the diabetes, his feet often go numb, but a good massage gets the blood flowing again. He’d been talking for at least a year about possibly trying out the place about two blocks away that does foot massages. Well, finally last weekend he went. Not only did they give him a good, vigorous, effective massage, they also clipped his toenails.
I think he needs to go do that on a monthly basis or so.
Hmmm… maybe today I’ll do my nails. I like that contrast nail idea. It sounds fun.
Twistie: Yay for Mr. Twistie! I’ll bet he’ll want to go back, too! That is fantastic. Let me know what you try with your nails. We could trade pics?! I’m a nerd for nail stuff but so rarely have the time required to let the fuckers dry properly. Ha! 🙂