Open To Possibilities: Part Two
Okay, you know how I said all of that stuff about being open to possibilities? Well, you should also try a bunch of new stuff, too! Because…I mean…Ohmigawd!!! I just had the most amazing meal!!! This is going to sound so silly, but being around other foodies is awesome! And these people are real foodies! We had a dinner meeting at work, only we went to a restaurant for dinner, and it was possibly the best meal I’ve ever had. At the very least, it was the most adventurous.
I grew up with very bland food. Lots of meat and potatoes and rice and frozen vegetables. We were poor, it’s just what you do, no big. It wasn’t until I met my husband that I’d even had real Mexican food let alone Indian food. So my palate developed and evolved and changed over the years. I enjoy the food network and cooking channel (though cooking channel wins in my book). Food has become more than a thing I use as fuel for my brain and body. It’s become an interest and a passion. Owning the cafe certainly fanned my foodie flames when I had to come up with my own panini recipes. I got into it for awhile, but with the stress and all I soon lost my appetite and passion for food.
As I put time and distance between myself and the cafe, after it sold, I slowly regained my interest and perhaps now my passion! I started watching some fave shows again and cooking again and baking. Slowly but surely my desire to try new things came back, tough slowly. But I must say, after tonight? Wow! I mean…I’ve been watching Iron Chef (Japan) for years and years and have only seen these things on tv. Now? Those amazing things are in my belly!!!
The restaurant was called Prospect and I can’t even remember everything I tried tonight! Here’s what I do recall having: Fois gras on persimmon toast, sweet breads with some savory sauce and frieze`, some kind of amazing Italian cheese stuff that starts with a B, and the best duck to ever hit my tongue, Meyer lemon creme` brulee`, a rather nice pinot noir (from Oregon, 2007)…OMIGAWD!!! I think I have a food hangover! Is that a thing? Ha-ha! I came home nearly hopping up and down, only I was a bit sheepish because I knew how much my husband would have wanted to try these things. But I did gush about it, I won’t lie!
It was a mind blowing, life altering experience and I haven’t even mentioned these incredible people I’m working with!!! They were so nice and awesome and I was so full but had mentioned wanting to come back to try the creme` brulee` and they insisted we all share it so I could have my favorite thing! I mean…the nicest fucking people, y’all! Mind you, this was only my second day! It’s all so fantastic and I am really enjoying myself. I don’t know where this job will lead me, but it’s already broadened my horizons and made me try things I would normally be too scared to!
I am staying open to any damned thing! This has been such an amazing week! I mean…from NYE on, baby! Revoloosh!!! Ha-ha! I am serious though, I want to push myself out of my comfort zone because that is where the good shit happens!
I grew up poor as well and we had lots of hamburger helper and kraft mac and cheese. lots of salt instead of flavor. going vegan really expanded my food choices- or, rather, forced me to expand them. With so many easy things off the menu I had to start trying things I never had before. It’s definitely some amazing food!
Heather: I was a vegetarian for many years and at one point vegan, I agree. I enjoyed cooking more, but it is more expensive and I am once again poor. I think if money weren’t an issue I would make different choices. One day. =0)
Revoloosh!!! Baby!!!!
Jeanette: Aw yeah! Woo!
Totally agree with you on Cooking Channel versus Food Network. I’m tired of all the game show competition type stuff on Food Network. I prefer just cooking shows, and I love some of the Canadian and Australian cooking shows Cooking Channel has. I don’t get Cooking Channel regularly in my cable line up, but every once in a while, my cable provider will “preview” it for a month or two, and I absolutely love it when that happens.
I grew up with a lot of bland food, too. Similar circumstances – family without a lot of money. But my mom also prefers bland food to more spicy things and never had a very adventurous palatte when I was growing up. Every once in a while, she’s “treat us” by going to Taco Bell, and that was about as spicy and adventurous as she got. We ate a lot of bland casseroles (cheap to make), or overcooked, dry pork chops with canned peas and potatoes. Very little salt or pepper, no spices, and a minimal amount of butter. My mom never liked a lot of “stuff” on or in food.
I didn’t start trying a wider variety of foods until I moved out on my own. My first big adventure was sushi, and then Indian and Thai food, and on from there. When I moved to L.A. 14 years ago, I fell in love with the culinary variety here. There are so many different cultures here, from Ethiopian to Persian and Armenian, Korean, Vietnamese (I love pho!), Greek, and some of the best Mexican food this side of the border. I’ll definitely miss that variety when/if I ever leave L.A.
It sounds like you’re way more of a foodie than me, though. I actually like watching Cooking Channel because I find it relaxing, not because I want to learn how to prepare the dishes they’re making. I like that I learn things while watching cooking shows, but I really watch it for the relaxation more than anything. You, however, sound like you really enjoy preparing food. …So maybe it’s time to go to cooking school? Just a little food for thought. 😉
thirtiesgirl: I find cooking shows relaxing as well. I don’t want to learn or try it all, but I do enjoy seeing it all. I certainly never imagined trying all of these amazing things. The prices alone would send me away, not to mention the thought of eating organs and stuff! Ha-ha!