
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Hating Your Body Looks Terrible on You!


Let’s look at this whole thing for a minute, shall we? Hating your body, what has it gotten you? Has it helped you do or get anything? Oh sure, you might get the “good fatty” points for “trying” and all, but in the grand scheme of life itself…what has this self hating gotten you? Has it earned you any love or respect or put a roof over your head? No? So why hang onto this way of being? If you’ve never thought about your fat body in this way, hang out a minute.

Have you ever thought that maybe the mainstream is wrong? Questioned authority? Had a grain of disbelief when seeing all of those “before and after” photos on television? Yeah, you might just be ready for a little body revolution! Don’t worry, you’re among good people! 😉 There’s a worldwide community of proud fatties who have chosen to love and care for their fat bodies instead of hating them and we’re all chatting and living it up! We do things and write things and shake things up and all while living in fat bodies! There’s no holding us back or stopping us now, so maybe you shouldn’t let that self hate stop you either!

Perhaps you grew up with people in your life that struggled against and were basically always at war with their bodies, no matter their actual size. Maybe your mom or grandma was extra harsh on you from a young age or the kids at school bullied you for having a differently shaped or sized body. No matter where you started or what you’ve been through, you can choose something different for yourself now! You get to choose to do right by your fat body and to live the best life you can within it!

The great thing about beginning your self-acceptance journey is that it doesn’t cost a thing! There’s no membership fee or card. There’s no instruction manual on how to stop hating yourself (though plenty of great books on the subject) or some sort of short cut on getting there. I will say, though, that it is entirely worth every ounce of effort and energy in the world (and so are you)! The benefits you can reap from this journey are boundless!

I never thought anyone would ever refer to me as “bubbly” “positive” or “confident” but they do now! I used to be the ultimate downer, Eeyore incarnate! And now I feel as though I have broken free from the bounds/binds of self hate, harm and judgment. Blegh! Who needs those anyhow?! They do nothing but hold you back and you have shit to do!

There is no thin person inside of me screaming to come out. There is only the real me in there, happy to finally see the light of day after so many years of hiding in the dark, drowning in shame. NO MORE! I am done with all of that and I hope that you are ready to be done with it, too. There is this great big beautiful world out there to be lived in and explored. You may not have noticed, it’s kind of hard to see it when you’re worst thoughts are always turned inward.


You can do whatever you want! So do it, don’t wait! Give yourself permission to be happy. You deserve it. Shake the old shit off and walk free of that burden. Because you rock! You are awesome! And deep down you know you’re better than all of that old nonsense. 😉


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