
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Gavin & Stacey: Great Show, Fat Friendly & Down Right Fun!


I only just now finished watching the last episode of season three of Gavin & Stacey and what can I say?
I’m all verklempt! It’s so good! I love all of the characters. There’s not one I dislike or doesn’t fit. The writing is good.
I have to say though that what I love most is the simple fact that the show features fat people in a non-humiliating or poking fun at way. I love “Nessa” & “Smithy!” “Nessa” just might be my fictional heroine! My would-be alter-ego, perhaps? I just love her! And “Smithy” is just the cutest thing! I know the show is called “Gavin & Stacey” but if it weren’t for their respective best friends, “Nessa” & “Smithy” the show just wouldn’t work. It’s brilliant and charming and you just get sucked right in. Luckily the seasons are only 6 or so episodes long and only 30 minutes each at that. Just Lovely!

Haven’t heard of “Gavin & Stacey?” Well, it’s on BBC America or you can watch it online, here:

For info about the show (like it’s official plot or whatever) go here:


2 Comments to

“Gavin & Stacey: Great Show, Fat Friendly & Down Right Fun!”

  1. On May 29th, 2010 at 5:49 am j. Says:

    Love the show, but Stacey is getting on my nerves. It seems as though she is written more and more needy as the seasons go on.

  2. On May 29th, 2010 at 8:43 am admin Says:

    You are dead-on with the needy thang. I don’t wanna give anything away, but yes, needy as hell! She seemed much more laid back before.

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