
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Forget They’re Watching!


To be beautiful in the eyes of another, simply forget they’re watching.

The Universe

I get these daily inspirational/empowering messages from “The Universe” ( and this one struck me today. And I think I like it a lot! It’s like that old saying about dance like nobody’s looking! (Or was that from a Gossip song? “Men in Love”) Fuck it! I love it! Why go about life as though everyone’s watching you?  (This from the gal who did not have an imaginary friend, but an imaginary audience!) Why put that kind of extra pressure on yourself? Meh. No thanks. I will dance like nobody’s looking, walk like nobody’s watching and forget the world exists because it’s Friday, I’m tired of feeling lousy and I want to enjoy my fatty-filled weekend, dammit!

I hope you all have a magnificent weekend filled with love and pleasure and joy and nourishment for your soul. <3

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9 Comments to

“Forget They’re Watching!”

  1. On September 23rd, 2011 at 10:06 am Ashley Says:

    Very inspiring!

  2. On September 23rd, 2011 at 2:45 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    @Ashley: Thank you!

  3. On September 23rd, 2011 at 11:11 am ElizabethWinston Says:

    Dear Sarah, (right?) I just wanted to say Hi. I think it’s time, because I’ve been lurking since last spring (or maybe winter?!). So bad, I know, I’m sorry I never said anything but maybe its because I felt a bit out of place when reading your blog at first…I am a recovering anorexic/severe bulimic (now pretty stable at 135 lbs and 5’10”) and I just wanted to say thank you.

    Thank you so, so, so, so fucking much for putting a strong and beautiful voice out there that I could grasp onto when my recovery days were hard. You’re an inspiration to women everywhere. I love everything you advocate (from sex, to Love, to integrity in relationships and regular life, to being Perfectly Human) and I hate the size shaming (of any have no idea how many comments I got as “too thin”…-or actually you probably know perfectly what thats like-..) that is so abundant in our country (world). My younger sister suffers from PCOS and is quite overweight and as a result I feel I have truly “felt” both ends of this weight spectrum. (I have of course shared with her your empowering (and now mine? can I claim it?) points of view on these things..

    Your blog is a true inspiration and has been INSTRUMENTAL in helping me understand and hope for recovery and peace with my body.

    I feel like a stalker because I’ve literally read every single one of your posts and you obviously have had no idea I’m here, save for the “blog hits” number you might occasionally look at.

    I could go on, and on and on..but I guess I just felt it was finally time to say hi, I’m not sure what exactly moved me, but I’ve been thinking about it for a while now. Since my parents moved to California, I’ve actually wondered if I’ll run into you somewhere, as if you’re a celebrity or something..I guess a more real celebrity in my mind than a lot of the people in Hollywood are anyway. So, I’m sorry I’ve been such a lurker, and I just felt I needed to say hello, finally, formally.
    Thank you so much. Keep writing.
    PS, I hope you’re over the “Blahs”. We all get them..Chin up:)

  4. On September 23rd, 2011 at 3:09 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    @Elizabeth W.: Wow! Thank you! I am speechless. (Which you probably know is a rarity!) Thank you for reading this blog! Thank you for saying hi! Thank you for being you and I am so happy to have played a role in that at all. I think my “Blahs” are over with for the most part, though I do feel slightly vulnerable/emotional at the moment. I can’t stop saying “Thank You!” but it’s the only thought in my head right now. Ohmigosh!!! If you’d like to chat (’cause I’m wondering where in CA you live and if you’re going to any fat events that I am), please email me! And do comment anytime, seriously! This blog isn’t only for fats, it is for anyone who’s been through this shit and I think that applies to most people. My two musketeers (we make three, for over 20 years) are very thin (100-120 lbs) and get the opposite type of hate like you mentioned, but it’s still body hate! And it’s still bullshit! I’m sorry that your sister “suffers from PCOS” but I know it’s not a death sentence either. Has she seen the latest posts on They’ve been very informative/helpful for me. I will say that it did bother me a bit that you referred to your sister a “overweight.” For me that implies that there is a specific, correct or proper weight a given person should be. I try not to even think in terms of numbers because we are all so varied in our sizes/shapes/figures/etc. But thank you for sharing this blog with her! I don’t know what you’ve been through, but I am glad that you felt comfortable sharing what has helped you, with your sister. I am only now getting to know my sister and it is such a blessing that we are back in touch as adults. So, no need to lurk/stalk any longer! Just be you and say whatever you wanna! Thank you, doll. Take care of YOU! <3

  5. On September 23rd, 2011 at 11:14 am ElizabethWinston Says:

    PPS, I love your energy. You’re so kind, you’re so upbeat, you’re so fucking AWESOME and happy and loving that I feel like one of the best things you could ever do is be a mother. I almost feel like you owe it to the future generations by bringing up the most bomb kids that might ever be.

    I can’t remember how you feel on the issue (i know you have the tabby and the pug) so I really don’t mean to offend if you dont want kids for any reason. I’m just being real.

  6. On September 23rd, 2011 at 6:44 pm Jen Says:

    what a great little saying. i love it!

  7. On September 23rd, 2011 at 10:16 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    @Jen: Thanks!

  8. On September 26th, 2011 at 4:53 pm thirtiesgirl Says:

    Love this Gossip video. It’s one of my favorite Beth Ditto “looks,” too, the big haired John Waters-ish bus driver.

  9. On September 26th, 2011 at 7:50 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    @thirtiesgirl: Yes! I aspire to get hair that big!

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