
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Fatty Affair is This Saturday!


This week is so nuts for me, I need to hit pause and breathe but scientists haven’t invented said button yet. Probably getting paid to come up with a new weight loss pill, the bastards! Ahem!

So this Saturday is Fatty Affair! I am a bundle of emotions! I am nervous and excited and I feel so loved and supported…but it’s such a whirlwind I feel out of control, too! I have some news to share with you lovelies, but it will have to wait. Everything has to wait until after this event. It means so much to me and I can’t believe the people who have committed to coming and participating and performing and speaking! OMZ!!! I feel like that proverbial headless chicken!

I am most excited about my outfit! How shallow?! I know! But y’all, it’s a beauty! It’s like nothing I’ve ever worn before and I’m so glad for that! This year is about new things, no matter how scary they may be, coming into our lives or just giving us a little boost when we need it…and when do we not need it?! Ha-ha! I have already been through so many ups and downs and it’s still only fucking January! This year? This year is the year of the bad ass! I am declaring it now!

If you’re in the San Jose, California area this Saturday, I want to see you! I want to meet you! I want to belly bump with you!

This community has given me so much! I am so happy that I can finally do something to show my gratitude and hopefully expose some new folks to our wonderful movement. I also want to say that if you’re sick of not having any fat events in your area, as I did, take that shit into your own hands and create it! You just have to stop giving a damn and just start doing things! That really is all it takes! I didn’t even have to ask for help, it came to me! People want this stuff and want to be a part of it, too!

Thank you for being in my life. Thank you for being you! Now let’s all get out there and kick some ass! <3

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3 Comments to

“Fatty Affair is This Saturday!”

  1. On January 24th, 2012 at 9:47 am JM Says:

    I can’t wait for Saturday!!!


  2. On January 24th, 2012 at 3:51 pm sabrina Says:

    have sooooooo much fun! i’m beyond bummed to miss it, but i will be sending happy vibes your way!

  3. On January 25th, 2012 at 5:06 pm thirtiesgirl Says:

    I wanna go! I wish this stuff went on in L.A. 🙁

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