
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Chillin’ in my Undies


Not sure if this qualifies as a TMI post, so you know, you should totally hit me up and suggest something for me to post about! or perhaps you’d like to guest post? Oooh! Do it!


I had this big interview today, the in-person one, and while I have no idea how it went, I looked hella good! I felt great, too. It was warm outside, though not sunny, and wanted to enjoy this odd Monday afternoon off. When I got home from the interview, I snapped a few pics of my awesome make up (like ya do) and stripped down to my bra and undies. Ahhh! Comfort! Like, I have never actually done this before…why? Because I live with a person? I dunno. Because it’s just not how I usually roll.

I wrote before about having an issue finding comfortable underwear. Luckily for me I have awesome-geniuses as friends, namely, Raven, who suggested I hit up Ross (Dress for Less) for some Delta Burke boy shorts. I was skeptical, I won’t lie. I saw these microfiber thingies and thought, “Oh no! Sweatsville!” but I gotta say? They kind of rock! When I first tried them under my loose fitting jeans, I hated them. I felt like they would roll down or up or whatever. Plus, they made my jeans slide right off my ass. While hot, not exactly what I’m going for fatshion-wise. 😉

The four days in a row I have been wearing these things…and I sort of love them now! Under teggings and dresses it feels like I’m not wearing anything at all! Like, I keep kind of discreetly rubbing my own ass because it’s so smooth! (Also, rubbing your own ass is both fun and hilarious, especially when your friends catch you!) They in fact do not roll up or down and with teggings they pretty much win!

All of this comfort and for only $5.99 a 3-pack?! Nuts, I tells ya! I think I have three 3-packs now (even got two of them for $3.99, if I recall correctly. Wait! Maybe they’re 2-packs?). Anyhoo, great bargain, comfortable as hell and so far not too hot/sweaty. Gotta love that! For me to be so comfortable that I am just walking around my house, making a sandwich for lunch, applying for jobs and other such at-home activities, in nothing but these, a bra and some socks?! Unheard of, lemme tell ya!

It’s kind of liberating. Even checked out my ass in the hallway mirror a couple of times. Although, right now I’m in my room and my roommate came home. So, either I rock what I got or I gotta put pants on. Hmm…  😉


posted under Uncategorized
3 Comments to

“Chillin’ in my Undies”

  1. On March 19th, 2013 at 4:04 am NotBlueAtAll » Blog Archive » Open and Me Says:

    […] up and I have more time on my hands, too. I’m not always sure what to do with myself, as yesterday surely proved, but hey, I’m happy. Hopefully I will get a job I want and the rest should fall […]

  2. On March 19th, 2013 at 12:54 pm Linda Strout Says:

    I might check out those boy shorts. I didn’t like another pair I tried, but I like the concept.

    I totally agree with chillin’ in the undies. I usually prefer to wear a t-shirt over my bra, or a tank top since I don’t like my back being bare, but it is SO comfy.

  3. On March 19th, 2013 at 12:56 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Linda: I would not normally lounge about in so little, but something about it, and writing about it,.felt so rebellious and delicious!

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