OMZ! (The “Z” is for “Zod”, FYI.) The season finales are over and done and Whoa! Which season finales? Drop Dead Diva & Huge, of course! You know, the two fattest shows on Cable T.V. Ha-ha! It’s true though. And I have enjoyed them both, so very much.
I’ll admit, when I first saw previews for DDD (Drop Dead Diva), I was so not amused, let alone sold on it’s plot. It did seem a bit too silly. But then I read Margaret Cho’s blog and the way she described it and talked about it’s overall message and all, well, I had to at least give it a shot. And I did. And I fell quickly in love with it’s flawed characters and sometimes silly writing style. It is a Lifetime show after all. And so I watched and watched and well, the DVR is truly a fab technology (because the commercials are straight-up unnerving!) and now that the second season is over? I can’t wait for more!
Truly, Margaret Cho’s character, I think, doesn’t get enough scenes/lines. I just love her so and her character is so witty and hilarious and real. There was an episode of the second season where her character is asked to go into a police hangout/bar and she has to explain that she can’t because, um, they’d like all know her in there! Ha-ha! Some of the plot twists fell flat for me, but the last two hours/episodes? OMZ! So good! And I’ve been quite impressed with the development of the “Stacey” character. And dear sweet “Fred” with all of his naivete and sweetness. Aw!
But that moment, when “Grayson” tells “Jane” that he would like her to be his best man…Oh My Gah! My breath caught in my throat! I felt for her! Here she was about to lay it all on him, the truth, the reality that is being in “Jane Bingham’s” body all of this time? And then when he gets hit by the car and looks up and calls “Jane” “Deb”? Whoa! Okay, I was expecting something like that, but just not quite like that. Ha-ha! It’s fun, but I can’t wait for more more more!
As for Huge? Well, I won’t even attempt to recap it here. Not when the masterful Lesley Kinzel of Fatshionista does it with flair here. Such a great finale! I mean, you really get to the heart of these characters we’ve all come to know and love over the course of the very short season. I never thought I’d be watching anything but reruns of a sit com on ABC Family, but I am glad I found out about Huge!
The finale was actually a “to be continued” venture and began last week with “Parents Weekend.” Which tells me that there will be a second season, if for nothing other than my own glimmer of hope, considering where they left us at the end and all. I almost wish this show was on a major network, but I tend to dream big. (Pun-fun!) This last episode had some incredibly emotional moments: “Becca” confronting “Chloe” about their defunct friendship! “Will” and “Amber” sort of almost bonding! “Ian” kissing “Amber”! (EW!) And my favorite: “Alistair” beginning to create his own identity! I totally welled up at that point, you guys! I love him so! He is beautiful!
What I don’t love is the “Ian + Amber” thing. I mean, it just seemed like she was settling and not truly interested in “Ian” and I love him too much to see him get hurt by her. I honestly thought that when he asked “Will” to stick by him while his parents were there was a step in the right direction. When she touched his arm? I nearly died! I have so been there, thinking I was making some giant/scandalous move when in reality it was so subtle the guy hadn’t even detected it! UGH! Guys!
It was sad to say goodbye to these shows after such great season. I usually can’t find a single thing to watch during the summer months, but this year was the exception. And it is because of this that I am going to give “Mike & Molly” a try. Yes, it’s a show about two fat people who meet at an Overeaters Anonymous meeting. He’s a cop, she’s a grade school teacher. Hilarity shall surely ensue? Ugh! I hate how they meet, but am semi-optimistic that the entire show won’t be a bunch of “Look at my hilariously fat ass” writing. Also, I LOVE Melissa McCarthy! She was so adorable and sweet and cute on “Samantha Who?” and I just want to see her again. I won’t hold my breath, but I will tune in on 9/20 to catch the premiere.
Are there any other fat shows I’m missing out on? Tell me all about it! =0)