
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

The Lies We Eat


(Trigger Warning for food issues/demonizing)

I witnessed an exchange yesterday that made me cringe. The son has a severe gluten allergy and my cafe makes gluten-free Belgian waffles. He ate his entire waffle, but his sister barely touched hers. Mom then began to eat the waffle after eating her own panini, but grew too full. She then insisted out loud that it was just too good to waste! And tried to get her son to eat it:

Mom to son: Please, take this last bite of waffle! I didn’t touch it!
Son: No!
Mom: You’re going to make me eat all of these extra calories?!
Son: What? (looks very confused)
Mom: C’mon! Just eat one bite!
Son: No!
Mom to me: He is a germaphobe, very OCD if you know what I mean. Ugh! I can’t believe he won’t eat it! It’s so good! *chews*

Prior to this exchange she was asking me about my paninis and which was “the least fattening?” To which I replied (with a smile), “Are you asking my opinion, because I’m not sure you would want it.” She laughed, so did I, but insisted on which had the least fat and calories and I refused to answer. She went with the vegetarian one (grilled eggplant with sun dried tomato spread, grilled onions and mozzarella) and insisted it was the most delicious thing ever!

My next customer wanted to know similar things, “What kind of bread do you use? Is it thick? I am trying to cut my carb intake…*mutters* and calories (with a sad face).” I reply, “But you need carbs and calories for your brain to function, for your body to move and work and play! Don’t you hate that we’re told that all of this stuff is bad and they make us feel awful for it?” She nods yes and looks slightly surprised by my response. Then I say, “Sorry, I don’t mean to preach, but I read a lot about nutrition and I get so upset that so much of what we’re told about food and nutrition and health are lies. It’s all marketing, you know? It is too bad.” She agrees and orders what she wants and then admits that the restaurants that show the calorie counts on foods really affects her. She says she has a hard time making a decision when faced with these figures. And I agree that it doesn’t really help. Then I explain that our body craves certain foods because it wants those nutrients. Substitutes don’t give those nutrients and often lead to more severe cravings. To this she agrees wholeheartedly and smiles.

I have these exchanges almost everyday. I don’t always get so wordy or mouthy about it, but I am tired of just smiling and nodding and letting these people demonize my food and my fat! Half the time it’s the adults that are the pickiest of eaters, kids just was food! No guilt or emotional attachments…just food/fuel! And food allergies are a serious concern! I cannot stand it when people make light of someone’s allergies or illnesses. Ugh!

I’m sick of people just repeating the exact same lies that are in ad campaigns! I want people to question this shit! To research it and to decide what is right for themselves. But they don’t know TO do that. They just take things on face value. “Oh! Whole grain means healthy!” Um, not exactly. *sigh* It’s an uphill battle. I don’t have $65 Billion to get the truth out there. The diet corporations do. And this is why Fat Liberation seems so daunting to many.

This is where I think we can make an impact though: with our moolah! None of us is rolling in money these days, but there are small things we can do to make small changes in the world and that begins with how you spend your money. Do you buy something that is suddenly advertising in a magazine or on a tv station that is fat hating? Call or email or tweet or facebook them to let them know you cannot support them if they support the fat hate! It works! So few people actually do speak up and contact these companies that when they do get more than say three people calling, they are surprised and want to please their customers (usually). Look into parent companies and see if you can contact them, too! In fact, get to know your congressperson and contact them regularly about discrimination based on height & weight! Many haven’t even heard of this stuff and will be interested and will want to listen to you!

You don’t have to get all shouty or overly political about it (even though it totally is), you can simply tell them that you refuse to support their products and company because where they are advertising (specify) supports the oppression of people based on their looks (weight/height/etc). Yes, you will most likely get a canned response, but you’d be surprised at how few people/complaints it takes before someone takes action! I saw this in the town where my cafe is. People were so annoyed at dealing with the strict 1 hour parking, but few actually complained to the city. I complained, a few of my customers complained, but not enough people did at first. Then I just got angry because they were straight up lying about how many tickets they were giving out (they claimed one a day when I watch them give out a minimum of five!) and started telling anyone who complained to contact the city. It took awhile, but it’s now been changed to two hours. I thought I was dreaming the day I saw the guys changing out the old signs to the new ones! Ha-ha! But they specifically said that enough people complained! Simple as that!

People don’t like to complain to the city/county/state/country. They like to complain to their friends/spouses/neighbors/etc. It’s like a past time for some people. When you suggest they take it up with someone who can actually do something about the issue? “Oh, they won’t listen!” is all I hear. And that is bullshit! If you don’t try how will you or they ever know?! They need to know, dammit! Business need this feedback, they need to hear from their customers or they will ASSUME they are doing the right thing every damned time! I don’t want anyone assuming what I want. I prefer to make my own choices and my own voice heard, thanks.

Okay, so I’m ranty this week, but that’s okay! It’s what I do. I’m tired of just complaining to like-minded individuals (and wonderful as y’all are), I feel compelled to start actually speaking up to these corporations and letting them know what I think. I may be naive in some of my thinking, do let me know, but it’s just too frustrating to be silent.

What products are advertising in fat hating media? I’d love to put together a list and post it. Thanks for reading! Happy Friday (for those who have weekends)! I hope you are all well and in good spirits! <3

Fat Bitch


Trigger Alert: a WHOLE lot of bad language used therein: unless you dig that kind of thing, then step right in!

Fattiboombalatti here, how yous all doin’?

So today I get into an altercation with some douchebag who was parked in the alleyway (even though he had his whole, empty drive way) unloading some bullshit from his van. He isn’t moving even though I am clearly behind him, he expected me to back out onto a busy street and go around. So when I got out of my car and tell him not so nicely to move his car we start having an argument. First he tells me that I am “ignant” (his word, not mine) then he calls me a “Fat Bitch” then a little later, “White Bitch’. Before all is said and done and then he finally moved his van out of the alley so that I could move forward. My responses to those epithets above were: “lol I am “ignant, huh” “ooo big man calling me fat bitch I am so scared” and finally “ahh pulling the race card, are you?” and that was after he threatened to hurt me… in our quick back and forth not once did I disparage him by how he looked or about his qualities or capabilities, I did tell him to go fuck himself, but that’s really an invitation rather than a judgment.

So anyway… I want to deconstruct those words. Fat Bitch Fat Bitch Fat Bitch. I have probably heard those two words from pissed off people more than any other epithet that can be reasonably applied to me. I don’t really understand what is it about calling me a fat bitch that is supposed to be so insulting.  Like what do they expect me to do? Grab my fat all of a sudden and say, “Oh my god! I never noticed I am fat!!! After you have so succinctly pointed out my fatness I will right away jump on a treadmill and drink slim fast, thank you for your acute observation, sir.” Like really, what’s the point about pointing out the obvious here? I am fat and yes I am a bitch upon occasion and usually in direct correlation to the douchebaggery which is you at the moment.

The label Fat Bitch seems to apply whenever I have stopped being a “good girl” and sifting through the other moments where I have been called such was usually when I was attempting to assert my rights or my needs. Fat Bitch seems to be the label of nonconforming women, angry women, women who just really don’t give a fuck. I mean, I really don’t and am not ashamed to take up the cause whatever that cause may be. It’s not too dissimilar to slut, whore, cunt…. Those are also words usually applied to women “behaving badly’. As if those words, like Fat Bitch, are meant to silence us, to shame us, to assign us to a moral code of bad better best.

I had another nasty thought though, an insidious one that now when I looked at thin people, naturally slim people after the incident tonight I thought…. Do ALL of you, when you see me, do you think “Fat Bitch” about me? Is your disgust with me so intense and so close to the surface that all I have to do is make you angry for it to come bursting forth? Do I walk down the street and as I pass you does something within speak in the silence of your mind… look at that fat bitch? Have I been blind all these years thinking good will when in fact its just social niceties? In the face of ALLLLLLLLL that….. How can we not but reclaim fat bitch for our very own? While you attempt by making me “small” by using those words, as if those words should mean that instantly I am less than you, worth less than you, mean less than…. You. Cause I won’t do it. I am not going to shut the fuck up. I will not be a good girl. I will not go away and I certainly am not going to allow you to make me feel lacking. Though we fatties have been conditioned to believe that that most feared word once brought out into the light is like kryptonite to our souls; Supposedly rendering us powerless and in doubt. Like sunlight to a vampire calling me a Fat Bitch is supposed to render me weak and ineffectual; the horrible nightmare of every woman on this planet, “do I look fat in this?” the word to luff my sails, to becalm me and to win.

Does anyone know how to screen print T Shirts? I really really want one that says “Fat Bitch” on it. I’m claiming this.

NotBlueAtAll: Yes! You can certainly do your own DIY style screen printing, but there are some fab sites that do this cheaply, without the mess, as well! My fave is (link will put you directly into their plus sizes) and I have bought a tee from them that fits fabulously (don’t remember if I got a men’s 3x or a plus size one)! They have fun fonts (even rhinestone & glittery ones), you can even “distress” your design and I found it to be the most user friendly of custom t-shirt sites. Coupon Code: 4Got (15% off) or CG$U ($5 off) I have not tried these codes, but if you get their emails they send you discounts often, gotta love that!

I’ve also ordered from but their biggest size was a big snug, I still wore it for a charity walk, but haven’t worn it since.  I have done my own screen printing but it is pricey for the paints and quite labor intensive. You could buy a Yudu machine ($99-$399) and have an at-the-ready screen printing station for yourself, too.

My two cents: I love this! Taking back that which is constantly being thrown at us?! Yeah!!! When I have been called a Fat Bitch (forever capitalized, thank you) I have almost always smiled at the notion, that this simple turn of phrase could take power or diminish me?! NO WAY! Not on my watch! I’d love a Fat Bitch tee, here’s my first draft design, Woo!:

That Awkward Moment When You Can’t Find Your Fave Underwear In Stores


I discovered these undies not long ago at Target, like right on the damn shelf! For $8/$9 a 3-pack! They have all of the things I was looking for in a new underwear, plus when I actually wore them they ended up being more comfortable than any of my old ones. Woo! So I bought a second pack a month later. They just stay put and I love that! My old ones were JMS brand hi cuts, but they were always too big no matter what size I got. I felt like I was swimming in ’em. But not these! These babies were just what I needed. So I wanted to replace the old with the comfy-new and headed to my usual Target store. FAIL! They ran out. None in my size, none even in this style anymore. OHNOES!!!

I tried a few more Target stores, but no dice. I was devastated. But then I remembered my own online shopping rule of thumb: Knowing exactly what you want will get you what you need! So I went online and found them at the same price (plus shipping, boo!) and ordered two packs! I just got them in the mail today and was delighted at the new colors I got in the assorted pack. Woo! I had found the same ones on a web site, but then found that the exact same site sold through Amazon, but for a dollar less in shipping. Not sure why, but my budget is beyond tight and so I went through Amazon. No regrets! They’re perfect! Exactly what I wanted. And was even surprised in a good way with how they arrived:


Well, it seemed pretty classy to me to have it wrapped in tissue with a nice seal/sticker like that. They had this cute insert that had a picture of a woman’s legs with 5 pair of underwear on going up the legs…it said, “Please wear yours while you try on ours.” I loved that! Ha-ha! Anyway, I love these undies and would recommend them to anyone seeking cute and comfy cotton ones that are affordable, too. They go to a “14” but that’s like a 30/32 U.S. I bought the 13’s and they are perfect for my 28/30 ass. Trouble would be finding them, but I got them here. But who knows, they could be at your local Target/KMart/Walmart.

What are your favorite and comfortable underwear? (Sorry, but I hate the p-word.)

Wow, Roaman’s, I’m Impressed!


I got a catalog from Roaman’s in the mail yesterday and I flipped through with my usual disdain for these things. But I was pleasantly surprised, I must say! Usually I flip through these fatty catalogs with my eyes ready to roll. I rarely fatshion blog or wish list, but here’s what I found to be fab in this here catalog (and were I not beyond poor at the point would absolutely buy):

The essential oversized tops you can dress up or dress down. Cotton. M
2 Pocket Henley Tank

Complete the look with our dyed-to-match cardigan, item# 507-46471. Ou
Floral Print Empire Waist Maxi Dress

Pullover with short sleeves. Polyester georgette; cotton voile lining.
So it seems I’m leaning more femme suddenly! Ha-ha! I would have guessed all plaids and polka dots, nope! And ruffles? I’m usually not that into ’em, but okay. That first tank, well, I love the look and length and two pockets? Yes, please! Simple and classic and casual, just like moi! Not! I’m boho at heart and I think this shows especially with the florals. That big shirt is so gorgeous it hurts! I don’t know though, there’s a fine line, at least for me, between cute florals and full-on granny time, ya know? But I love it! And that illusion dress? OMZ! So cute! That halter swimdress? To die for! If only I had the monies…oh well. A gal can dream.
There were some fatshion fails (IMHO), but let’s focus on the positive, shall we? Cute swim suits! Adorbz dresses! Practical garb for almost every gal! No worries. Way to go Roaman’s! Woo! Enjoy 40% off yoru highest priced item with coupon code: RD32618 (expires 7/6/2011)

TMI Tuesday: Toys! Toys! Toys!


(To the tune of Lady Gaga’s “Boys Boys Boys”)

This TMI Tuesday post is all about Sex Toys! If this doesn’t interest you, you’d rather not know about my sex life or toy preference, or you’re at work and don’t wanna get in trouble, do come back tomorrow for your regularly scheduled random fatty talk right here on my blog-a-ma-thing. Thanks!








On my recent visit to Good Vibrations for that fabulously fun Burlesque class a couple of weeks ago (oh how time flies!) I picked up a toy I’d been looking at online.  I loved the color and the feel of the outside of it and the length seemed fab, too! But then, like so many toys, it left me unimpressed and generally dissatisfied. I know, for $22 what do I expect?! Well, I expected something! Perhaps I had high expectations, but that $22 is hard won for me (more than a week’s worth of work/tips) and so I always have high hopes when spending my dough.

Lucid Dreams No. 14 Waterproof G-spot Vibrator - Click to enlarge
See? It’s perty!
The last toy I purchase was the Butterfly Kiss and while I have enjoyed it a couple of times, it’s length is problematic (the butterfly doesn’t actually do anything for my clit as it either doesn’t reach or is so weak as to be meaningless). I do appreciate the design of it though. And again, the price was great at $18.

Talking to some friends though, I’d realized why I’ve had so many toy failures. Cheap price = cheap or shoddy toy! Doy! (They were much nicer about it, I promise!) I’d only previously used bullets. I’ve owned 3 so far as they have all been wired and thus that tiny wire always manages to break at some point. Boo! My last bullet was $6 on Amazon (they sell everything!) and it lasted about four weeks. It worked great though! It was this one by “Doc Johnson” (ha-ha!)
Doc Johnson Ivory Egg VibratorSo compact yet powerful!
I’d purchased a longer bullet a couple of years ago that lasted quite a long time, but eventually that damned wire fizzled out and that was that. It was nice to have the extra length, but now I’m wondering if I shouldn’t invest in something a bit nicer and more sure to please, ya know?
And so I turn to you, my fellow fats! What toys do you love? Why? What was an eye opener for you? How do you use yours? Do you use it with a lover or on your own? Positions? What questions and apprehensions do you have about sex toys and vibrators? I wanna know! I wanna talk! Let’s chat about this, shall we? Nothing is TMI on this blog, so let loose and speak up! We’d all love to hear about it! <3
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