
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Old School Shout Outs!


These people have been kicking my ass in the best possible ways lately:

Brian of Red No. 3 He just keeps saying what I’m thinking, only far more eloquently. So glad he’s on the FA team!

Kath of Fat Heffalump For getting right to the point on how death fats/super fats must put up with shoddy clothing at ridiculous prices and even then the garments usually don’t fit right! Spot on, Kath!

Bruce of Chubstr & Big Boy Fashion He has so many fantastic ideas! I am constantly checking the new site out for new nuggets of awesome. You don’t even know! OMZ! The punk, the bow tie? I love it all!

Whomever thought of FATPOCALYPSE!!! I love the name, the concept and the “tools” to make it happen. Go check it out, it’s rad-tabulous! You better believe I’m all over this! Just gotta get to printin’ and I’ll be strategically planting these messages, oh, everywhere!

Marilyn Wann For starting Fat Club For Men on Facebook! Ms. Wann is a wealth of ideas and creative endeavors. So I can’t say that I was surprised, but I love it! It is a members only kind of thing, so do apply and post and enjoy!

WithoutScene for a lot of things, but her latest entry on Finessing The Fuck You had me thinking back on all of the relationships in my life and I am wondering what I can do about all of those loose ends I hadn’t previously realized were loose! Wow! I love a blog/entry/gal that makes ya think!

My Readers! If you’re reading this, you are amazing! You rock my socks! I love you, truly!

Thank you!


Rad Fatty Alert: WithoutScene!


Biased, much? Perhaps, but I also like shining a light on people doing really good and heartfelt work. And WithoutScene is doing just that! You may know her from her posts over at or my inaugural podcast. I think I’ve even linked to her new blogs once before, but fuck that…I want everyone to know what she’s doing because it is kicking my ass regularly with its goodness!

BadassFatass: Not only one of my favorite blog names ever (because it truly is), but also some really great stuff! This week she posted a newsletter she wrote for a friend’s niece and is sharing it with all of us here. It was so good I was left teary-eyed, no lie! I think it is so amazing that this may turn into something more. Because seriously? There just aren’t a lot or enough (are there any?) positive body messages out there for kids and teens. There just isn’t! And I think she really set the bar high for how this could be done. I so look forward to more on this endeavor.

FinessingTheFuckYou: Another fab name, right? Oh man, I love a good “Fuck You” and she does, too! Today’s post really struck me though. She addresses the stereotypes of fats and food and shares her own inner struggles with saying “Fuck You” to the moral way of thinking in regards to food. She so inspires me, even when we’re both too busy doing our work things to chat, that I had to make something for her birthday. Okay, well, I had wanted to make it and then conveniently her birthday was last month so it all worked out! Ha-ha! But I gave her a special kind of “Fuck You. ”

Please, check out her blogs and keep an eye on ’em because writers/bloggers get inspired by their readers and commenters and I know she has so much more to share with us!


Podcast Episode Five: Bruce of Big Boy Fashion! (Oh Yeah!)


 I know I keep saying what fun I have on these podcasts, but seriously? It is a total blast. I only hope that y’all are enjoying this even half as much as I am.

Bruce is such a great guy and a true rad fatty (not to mention one of the original Tank Top Tuesday volunteers)! His current blog is here: BigBoyFashion and launching March 15th, the new site: Chubstr until then you can find updates and “Like” his facebook page or follow BBF on Twitter!

We talked pants design (just say no to pleats!), shoes, plus size male models and more! Thanks for being you, Bruce! Can’t wait for all of the cool new stuff you’ve got coming up!

Podcast Episode Five You may listen to the podcast here on the page (player is below) or on iTunes here or search podcasts for: NotBlueAtAll (please subscribe if you are able).

Podcast With Dr. Pattie Thomas


I was so fortunate to have a chance to talk with Dr. Pattie Thomas about all things fat! I had such a blast, I know you’ll enjoy this one. Please check out her book (I am saving my pennies y’all!) and let us know what you think!

You may listen to the podcast here on the page (player is below) or on

iTunes here or search podcasts for: NotBlueAtAll (please subscribe if you are able).

Her book and info can be found here: (it’s also on publisher of fatty books!
Fat Liberation Manifesto
Fat! So? by Marilyn Wann
Health At Every Size By Linda Bacon PHD  So much stuff in this one, really take some time to explore!
#HAES from

NAAFA National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance

Thanks so much for listening/reading!


Podcast Episode Three.lite

Sick Of The Status Quo (Go Golda!)


Not sure about you, but I sure as hell am sick and tired of the “status quo” and all of their supposed quo-ness! Ha! If you haven’t heard about Golda Poretsky’s tele-classes, well, you’re in for some good stuff!

I first found Golda’s blog over at and signed up for a free tele-class with the topic “Feel sexy at any size.” I found it quite informative and fantastic for those who haven’t been around teh fat-o-sphere for very long or who are struggling with their body acceptance. I was quite happy to be in the class, however, even though it wasn’t something I was struggling with at the time (because Maude knows we all struggle from time to time).

Now Golda has assembled a group of amazing women who are at the forefront of the revolution for a free tele-summit! They will explore everything from plus size fashion to bigger bodies in art and the science of Health At Every Size. And the people she has lined up? Well, I am just in awe and cannot wait for this to begin! You can view the schedule and guests here. You can register here. I registered and am so excited!

I think that this will be quite an important event for the fat-o-sphere. I’ll do my best to recap the day after each call for those who are unable to attend, but I’m sure Golda will also have recordings available after as well. I would love to hear from anyone else on the calls, too. Perhaps the day after each one I’ll post some thoughts and topics and we can get to discussing in comments…sound good?

Please do consider registering, it’s free and for sure you’ll learn something from these amazing, revolutionary women!

body love revolutionary badge

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