
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Fats In Winter Wear!


Since many parts of the world are getting colder right now I thought why not try something different than the old Tank Top Tuesday posts and go in the opposite direction: Winter Wear! I also hope to do a coat shopping guide/options post soon.  Please see below for information on how you can submit your own pics and info for future posts. Thanks.


This week’s submission comes from my good friend Robin! Woo hoo!

These were from last winter. It was so nice at the snow! I don’t have a philosophy or anything I am just happy with who I am flaws and all! ;0)


Thanks Robin! You know I love you, gurl! <3

I am taking submissions from anyone who wants to participate in “Fats in Winter Wear” posts! Email your pics here:, please include the name you’d like in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on winter wear or other fatty philosophies. Have fun with it!

For additional content, links, aricles, stuff and more, please “Like” the blog’s Facebook Page. Thanks!

Open To Possibilities: Part Two


Okay, you know how I said all of that stuff about being open to possibilities? Well, you should also try a bunch of new stuff, too! Because…I mean…Ohmigawd!!! I just had the most amazing meal!!! This is going to sound so silly, but being around other foodies is awesome! And these people are real foodies! We had a dinner meeting at work, only we went to a restaurant for dinner, and it was possibly the best meal I’ve ever had. At the very least, it was the most adventurous.

I grew up with very bland food. Lots of meat and potatoes and rice and frozen vegetables. We were poor, it’s just what you do, no big. It wasn’t until I met my husband that I’d even had real Mexican food let alone Indian food. So my palate developed and evolved and changed over the years. I enjoy the food network and cooking channel (though cooking channel wins in my book). Food has become more than a thing I use as fuel for my brain and body. It’s become an interest and a passion. Owning the cafe certainly fanned my foodie flames when I had to come up with my own panini recipes. I got into it for awhile, but with the stress and all I soon lost my appetite and passion for food.

As I put time and distance between myself and the cafe, after it sold, I slowly regained my interest and perhaps now my passion! I started watching some fave shows again and cooking again and baking. Slowly but surely my desire to try new things came back, tough slowly. But I must say, after tonight? Wow! I mean…I’ve been watching Iron Chef (Japan) for years and years and have only seen these things on tv. Now? Those amazing things are in my belly!!!

The restaurant was called Prospect and I can’t even remember everything I tried tonight! Here’s what I do recall having: Fois gras on persimmon toast, sweet breads with some savory sauce and frieze`, some kind of amazing Italian cheese stuff that starts with a B, and the best duck to ever hit my tongue, Meyer lemon creme` brulee`, a rather nice pinot noir (from Oregon, 2007)…OMIGAWD!!! I think I have a food hangover! Is that a thing? Ha-ha! I came home nearly hopping up and down, only I was a bit sheepish because I knew how much my husband would have wanted to try these things. But I did gush about it, I won’t lie!

It was a mind blowing, life altering experience and I haven’t even mentioned these incredible people I’m working with!!! They were so nice and awesome and I was so full but had mentioned wanting to come back to try the creme` brulee` and they insisted we all share it so I could have my favorite thing! I mean…the nicest fucking people, y’all! Mind you, this was only my second day! It’s all so fantastic and I am really enjoying myself. I don’t know where this job will lead me, but it’s already broadened my horizons and made me try things I would normally be too scared to!

I am staying open to any damned thing! This has been such an amazing week! I mean…from NYE on, baby! Revoloosh!!! Ha-ha! I am serious though, I want to push myself out of my comfort zone because that is where the good shit happens!

Open to Possibilities


I think we sometimes get so caught up in our day to day lives that we tend to compress our hopes and dreams into very specific things. Sometimes we focus so much on what our dreams are that we forget that they may take a different shape or form. I know that this has been true for me. But after selling the cafe I was suddenly faced with, well, everything! I felt free of the stress and burdens of small business ownership and suddenly anything seemed possible! And nothing has proven this to me more than my new job.

I now work for and so far I love it. I never would have imagined taking a part-time position, but it feels quite liberating to me. It was all so unexpected. But I think it’s a good fit and I have many ideas for the future. So far 2012 (Woo!) has shown me the possibilities that are just waiting for me to take a bite out of in this world. I love that! I love being surprised by life in positive ways. I feel great because of it.

I’d been struggling with my knees for a few months now, but the funny thing is after NYE, despite the dancing and drinking, the next day my knees felt fine! No more pain! And the pain hasn’t returned! It’s like a NYE miracle or something. How is it that I drank as much as I did and danced way more than planned and ended up feeling BETTER the next day?! Ha-ha! It seems impossible, but it happened. Saturday was rough, actually, because I’d been limping from the pain in my left knee. Even walking the red carpet into the club that night I had a limp. I don’t know what happened, but I am so fucking grateful that it did!

I have a new found (or re-found) lust for life and a desire to get to know people on a deeper level. I want to maintain the relationships I have and meet new people and just keep doing that. I feel that this human connection we all share is the spice of life and is what keeps me going. It’s when I hide myself away that I grow depressed and afraid of the world. No more! But I will also listen and trust my body and if I feel the need to cloister, I will without guilt or shame. Because self-care should take precedence. We cannot help or care for others when we neglect our own health and well-being.

Though it’s only just begun, 2012 (Woo!) has already been a hundred times better than that last year. I felt at many times that I couldn’t go on or that things were simply hopeless. And here we all are on the other side and things are getting better, slowly but surely! And I believe in my heart that if I love with my whole self and treat people with love instead of judgment then life will show my proper path to whatever it is that I am meant to do. I feel it, like it’s on the horizon or the tip of my tongue…

Open yourself to possibilities and opportunities no matter what shape they may take and you will surprise yourself at what you can accomplish! Don’t let fear hold you back. Lose the shame and guilt and just enjoy yourself as yourself and just be you! Think about beliefs or thoughts you’ve long held to be true and re-examine them and how you feel about them now. Doing just that has lead me to some fun adventures and heartfelt discussions. Love those!

Take care of you, babies! I love you all! <3

Glam When You Can


Growing up poor the word glamorous didn’t even enter my life until high school. I wasn’t yet the word nerd I am now (I know I don’t exactly use my love of words here, wev). Later when the fantastic British comedy Absolutely Fabulous came into my life, I was suddenly obsessed! I bought a metallic silver mini backpack that I wore as a purse for ages! I would wear the weirdest jewelry and shoes! I felt at the time that I was somehow emulating those glamorous women when in fact I was laying the foundations of my own quirky style! I sourced much of my stuffs from Ross (Dress For Less) and the Contempo Casuals Outlet that I worked at.

I also see a hint of what I have found myself doing now which is adding a touch of glam to every day. No matter what I’m wearing or what I am doing I try to add just a little something to make me feel good! I don’t know, I suppose it’s useless or silly to some, but they underestimate the value of silly! Woo! I’m sure some of you have noticed my increasing use of fancy-fucky headbands, this was the reintroduction of glam for me most recently. My collection has grown! Ha-ha! But then rather than a typical blag wrist-let, I went with the silver bangle style. Glam! Instead of my usual “dress docs” (Doc Marten’s I wear to dress up things) I wore my black patent leather shoes with the cutie side bow on NYE! There is something about that little touch of glamor that make me smile.

One thing I adore and use all of the time are these two tote bags I got for free on Black Friday from Avenue (click the pic for the link). I have the red and purple and use them for sooooo much! Mostly groceries as of late, but the reactions I get from baggers and checkers is always fun. But they are great for any damned thing! They are sturdy with nice long straps so I can throw ’em over a shoulder. But they are cheap enough, and because they were

Plus Size Metallic Tote image

The other thing I’ve been enjoying is NYC Cosmetics Liquid Lipshine (click the pic for the link). My friend Jeanette talked me into buying the Midtown Mulberry and I use it almost every day now! It smells like vanilla cupcakes or that raw sugar lotion from bath and body works. It’s just yummy and the color is perfect for me! Even if I’m not wearing any other make up I will slap some of this gloss on and feel FABULOUS!!!

What bit of glam do you add to your daily routine? Do you rock a hair bird or giant flower barrette? I’ve been wanting to try the new nail stamping things, but haven’t truly committed to it yet. I know I have readers who love that stuff. Please recommend a good, beginner and affordable kit or something I could put together myself, perhaps. What other glam things should I check out? Lay it on me!


Fats In Winter Wear!


Since many parts of the world are getting colder right now I thought why not try something different than the old Tank Top Tuesday posts and go in the opposite direction: Winter Wear! I also hope to do a coat shopping guide/options post soon.  Please see below for information on how you can submit your own pics and info for future posts. Thanks.


This week’s submission comes from Amy!

I’m obsessed with fashion and love following your -and so many more!- plus size blogs.  I got all inspired by all the other plus size bloggers and just started my own:   Here are my new boots I was strutting around in today.

I think the most important part of feeling good about yourself, is to celebrate yourself and to not think in terms of “what you’ve got”/”what is good” but rather in terms of “what you’ve got to celebrate” / “all of it is good.”


Thanks Amy! You look fabulous and glamorous! Woo!

I am taking submissions from anyone who wants to participate in “Fats in Winter Wear” posts! Email your pics here:, please include the name you’d like in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on winter wear or other fatty philosophies. Have fun with it!

For additional content, links, aricles, stuff and more, please “Like” the blog’s Facebook Page. Thanks!

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