
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Linky Loves


It’s Friday and while that’s usually my fave day of the week, I’m just not feeling well today. I don’t know what’s going on with me, I’ve tried both cold and allergy meds and neither have made a dent. I’m a true mess. But I’m alive and grateful as hell for that. =0)  So I thought I would share some interesting tidbits from the interwebz. Feel free to comment, discuss, etc. Hope you have a fabulous weekend.

Too many people feel let down because their life and looks aren’t ‘fabulous’ all the time. In Making Magic 2: On the Tyranny of Image, Rachel Hills says, “…One thing I believe quite firmly is that we’re sold a lie that through changing our appearance, we can change our lives. That if only we lost weight, had “better” hair, the “right” clothes, we’d be able to access that certain, indefinable magic we’re convinced the people who do have that aesthetic possess. I’ve been speaking with women who do have that magic – that capacity to make amazing things happen to them – and unsurprisingly, what I’ve found is that it isn’t about what you wear or how you look at all.”

Did you get a chance to read Lesley’s post about Public Health Programs? You totally should, it’s rad!

You simply must read this speech given by Andrea Zanin at The Floating World, a supercool (and absolutely massive) sex-positive annual weekend conference in New Jersey. “This is a talk about the lies we tell ourselves and the rest of the world. It’s a talk in which bullshit will be called, hierarchies challenged and strong statements made. It’s a talk about polyamory, and BDSM, and queerness, but above all, it is most definitely a talk about sex.”

Love Ryan Freitas35 lessons in 35 years!

A new approach for pan handlers, free credit cards? I truly enjoyed reading this.

And this weekend, I shall be making some pear gelato! I’m so excited! I bought these Bartlett pears at the store $2 for 3lbs and they’re a bit overripe. Perfect for gelato! I’ve only ever done sorbets, so I don’t know how this will turn out, but here’s the recipe.

You can ask me nearly any time of day or night what song I have in my head and I will most certainly sing or hum it for you. Last night while watching tv a commercial came on with a “Fascination” re-do and I was suddenly confused between three songs all at once. This is not unusual for me. I often hear songs within songs or just have a bunch playing at once in my head. Could this help my problem?

Have you been following the fatcasts? You totally should be! They are so fun and informative! And there’s a new one up today! Squee!

There are two other podcasts I’d like to give a shout out to:

Soulful Blend Radio: R U Real? I Am Plus! Thursdays if you happen to listen to last Thursday’s episode, you will hear yours truly sounding like a total valley girl. Oh well, it was a total blast! (Main page:

And Golda Poretsky’s Body Love Wellness podcast! Be sure to stay up to date on her blog, too:

That’s it for today. What’s on your mind? What are your plans for the weekend? Tell me about it! =0)

Quick Hit: Fat Heffalump & Marilyn Wann! They Rock!


I was so moved by a post on the fat heffalump blog that I had to share it with you. So please check it out here! It’s 6 minutes of pure flabulosity! Also, hit up Marilyn Wann’s “Fat! So?” site here! because it has butts & tons of good info, too!

Tank Top Tuesday!


You read that right! Today is Tank Top Tuesday! Weather you call it a vest or a wife pleaser (there shall be no violence here), I want your pics! This will be the first in a weekly offering of fatties with heads and arms wearing TANK TOPS! I just had such a great experience the last time I went out sleeveless that I thought this would be a fun way to keep that positivity flowing and also to hopefully help normalize fat arms!

Tank Top Tuesday 1

That’s me, death fat and all, in an Old Navy Tank from about two years ago. I love the top, but so rarely wear it because the color doesn’t go with much. But I do have a gorgeous cardi that will go nicely when the weather cools down again.

Submit your photo by first commenting with your email address (just the first part/username, so I don’t spam you) then emailing me: with the attachment and if you have a blog, please submit the web address so I can give you & it some mad props and any info you’d like me to include in the post. Please submit only one photo at a time. If I receive many I may do a special post or just post date them for the next several Tuesdays. If you have any questions, please leave a comment. I hope this becomes a very fun and continuing adventure for all of us. And guys!!! That means, you, too!  =0)

Two Fabulous Blogs & One Fun Q & A


First thing’s first! The blogs!!! I had the unbelievable pleasure of meeting two great ladies yesterday. And guess what? They both have blogs full of fattitude!

Please give some love to:  &

And I love a good Q & A so I took the liberty of snagging this one from

1. If you didn’t have to work or go to school, how would you choose to spend your time?

I would love to travel, but that would mean being away from my husband (he doesn’t like to travel) and our companion animals. I may take a trip or two on my own or with friends and then try to settle a bit before going back to any type of routine. I guess in the end though, I would really like to help the fat/size/body acceptance community & movement along as best I can. It means a lot to me as it has helped me so very much in my own life. I am not sure what that would look like, but I just want everyone in the world to know that they are worth every ounce of effort and energy in the journey to positive self acceptance. It seems so simple, but we all know it’s not. I have thought about possibly starting some sort of outreach program, but I’d have to do a lot of research first. Ha-ha!

2. Do you have a lucky piece of clothing? (e.g. lucky socks)

Hmmm, I’m not sure I have anything “lucky” at the moment. I definitely have a bunch of favorite items that I wear endlessly. Like the carrot-leaf-pearl necklace my very good friend bought me when I opened my cafe, I wear it nearly every day. And my growing collection of big wooden laser-cut earrings. Guess nothing lucky though.

3. What is your least favorite food?

Least? Wow! Oh! I know! Eggplant, yellow mustard and lima beans. I know, silly stuff to hate so much, but you know, I keep trying them and realizing that yes, I do hate them. Ha-ha!

4. What is one thing you absolutely must do before you die?

Oh I like this one! I must sing in a band at least for on live gig. It’s been a dream since High School or earlier and now I am just determined to do it. Even if I have to do everything myself, hire musicians and do it that way. I would of course prefer to meet awesome people and go the old school route, but it just needs to happen, so I won’t be too picky!

5. Should fashion be taken seriously?

Yes, but not too seriously! I am certainly not for starting an actual fashion police. I think it’s fabulous when items are mis-matched to a ridiculour or over-the-top way. But I tend to find glamor in things much less than what most would consider glamorous. I love fashion, but I also don’t live for it. I just enjoy finding my own style and staying true to me and right now that means comfort is the priority.

6. What triggered your decision to begin loving and accepting your body?

I was sick of hearing it’s not okay to be fat, that it’s a disease or something to be fought in a war. That combined with being surrounded by office gals on weight watchers and such and hearing them compete in how little they ate each day. It makes me sick! I knew I was ready to get off of the hamster wheel, but wasn’t sure how until I discovered FA (Fat Acceptance) through a BUST magazine article on the U.K. Chubsters ( a fatty gang). I never looked back!

7. What are you passionate about?

Life! It sounds cliche, but it’s the truth. I find that with every passing year there is more to love in the world. The more I learn and grow and see the more I realize that life is full of excitement and mystery and fabulous nature and beyond. Okay, so I’m a hippie at heart! Ha-ha! You caught me!

8. Have you ever considered quitting blogging? If so, why?

I have and I have also stopped for awhile. Mostly because I lose steam or inspiration. I’m an artist in many things and I follow my inspirations where they lead me. I am at their whim, so to speak. So, when one well dries up I move on to the next. I may be post crazy one month and then post very little the next. I find it’s just a natural flux, but it also allows me room to breath and experience other forms of art as well.

Tonight @ 7pm (PST) Soulful Blend Radio-Podcast!


I was graciously asked to participate in a podcast this evening and I am so excited & flattered! So, please tune-in if you can or check it out later when you have a chance to do so. Thanks so much, Rachel!


Let your friends and family know we are discussing the trendy plus size women and how she can walk boldly in the world. As the listener call in and put your two cents in, regarding the topic of the week. This show will discuss topics including confidence, positive body image, fat girl news, and living a soulful blend life style! @ohyesfashion if you have any questions you would like us to answer on the show ~RU REAL I AM PLUS

Please check it out:
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