
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Tank Top Tuesday!!!


This week’s Tank Top Tuesday pic comes from WeightlessOne and I must admit, I love seeing fats in action & outdoors! Just lovely!

Thanks WeightlessOne, for the great pic!

**Would you like to exercise your right to bare arms? Email me your pic with whatever info you’d like included in the post here: Rock on!

Tank Top Tuesday!!!


This week’s Tank Top Tuesday pics come from Bruce of Big Boy Fashion who is the first male to exercise his right to bare arms (on this site) and all around Rad Fatty to boot! I have been loving his posts every day! I couldn’t decide which pic to post, but since he let me post both I just had to!

Bruce TTTuesdayBruce TTTuesday

Thanks so much, Bruce! Keep up the great posts!

**Would you like to submit a photo of yourself for an upcoming Tank Top Tuesday post?
Email it here:

Positively Smiling!


Monday after work, sitting in my car cueing up the iPod so I could listen to the Fatcast on my commute, I looked up to see a small family walking past. The smaller of the two children locked eyes with me and just smiled a great bog fat smile; I returned the smile instantly because I just couldn’t help it! And this brief interaction got me thinking. Smiling is awesome!

In the same vein as The Fat Heffalump’s challenge of positive posts in November (I will try, but if something strikes me I will post about it, too) I thought about a fun and positive way for the pubicly fat among us to sort of challenge those who would have us all hide ourselves away or die all together.

SMILE!!! I know, radical, eh? Ha! But seriously, why can’t we smile at passersby without fear or judgement? I have often attempted this, but other people’s frowns ended up bring me down. Not this time! I will smile, a big fat genuine smile, at anyone who passes me on the street or catches my eye at a stoplight! I will smile and say, “Hi” to any within an ear/eye shot! And if they don’t like it? Um, well…too bad for them!

What do you think? Is it possible for fats to live down the sad stereotype and just smile at strangers happily? I think so. I shall give it a go for all of November and get back to you on my findings. I hope you try it, too! Just think of a world full of happy and friendly fats! Oh wait, we already live in that world! Ha-ha! Rock on!

Rad Fatty Blog Alert: Sew Misunderstood


Beej, of, suggested this blog and I love it both as a fat and as a beginning seamstress/DIY/crafty-gal! I was quietly catching up on some recent posts when I came across this one and just WOW & YES! More, please?! Ha-ha! I am falling for “Psycho Sue” and cannot wait for more fun sewing tips and “Fatshion for Wayward Girls!”

Tank Top Tuesday!!!


This week’s Tank Top Tuesday pic comes from Beej of If you’re on the Fatshionista LiveJournal community, you’ll have seen her there for sure! Always stylish with a unique or handmade twist, this gal knows how to work that fatshion like nobody I know! =0)
And now you can check out her brand new blog:!

TTTuesday 11-02-10

Thanks, doll! I love this pic! It’s all sass & glam and thank you ma’am! Ha!

**Exercise your right to bare arms! Email your Tank Top Tuesday pic here: I still haven’t had any guys submit a photo. I would love to feature ya though. So please, take a chance, we love everyone here! <3

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