
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Sick Of The Status Quo (Go Golda!)


Not sure about you, but I sure as hell am sick and tired of the “status quo” and all of their supposed quo-ness! Ha! If you haven’t heard about Golda Poretsky’s tele-classes, well, you’re in for some good stuff!

I first found Golda’s blog over at and signed up for a free tele-class with the topic “Feel sexy at any size.” I found it quite informative and fantastic for those who haven’t been around teh fat-o-sphere for very long or who are struggling with their body acceptance. I was quite happy to be in the class, however, even though it wasn’t something I was struggling with at the time (because Maude knows we all struggle from time to time).

Now Golda has assembled a group of amazing women who are at the forefront of the revolution for a free tele-summit! They will explore everything from plus size fashion to bigger bodies in art and the science of Health At Every Size. And the people she has lined up? Well, I am just in awe and cannot wait for this to begin! You can view the schedule and guests here. You can register here. I registered and am so excited!

I think that this will be quite an important event for the fat-o-sphere. I’ll do my best to recap the day after each call for those who are unable to attend, but I’m sure Golda will also have recordings available after as well. I would love to hear from anyone else on the calls, too. Perhaps the day after each one I’ll post some thoughts and topics and we can get to discussing in comments…sound good?

Please do consider registering, it’s free and for sure you’ll learn something from these amazing, revolutionary women!

body love revolutionary badge

New Podcast: Feat. Brenda & Julie of The Busty Traveler!


Notblueatall Podcast Episode Two (Player at the bottom)

Or on iTunes (Please subscribe if you can, Thanks!)

My guests this time were Brenda & Julie of Do check it out!

The post we were talking about “Double Double Featurette”

We talked about her friend Psycho Sue’s Blog: Sew Misunderstood-Fashion for Wayward Girls

Brenda’s Skirt tutorial!

Road to Wellville Trailer

This is the Etsy shop I got my “Know Fat Chicks” button!

Post on the LiveJournal Community Fatshionista about activism and grass roots ideas

My post with the business card that has a positive body message.

You Are Beautiful

Scene from Heathers that Brenda quotes:

TMI Tuesday


Since yesterday’s post got such an enthusiastic response, I figured I’d continue the sex talk today! (Yeah, this is where the people who know me or would just rather not know about my sex life or preferences should come back another day. I hear something’s happening on Facebook or Twitter as we speak! Later!)

Very graphic descriptions ahead! You have been warned!

Fat + Sex = Fuck Yeah! Ha-ha!

A commenter yesterday asked about fats and sex positions. I love this! Mostly because I have struggled with it myself. Even bought one of those liberators to help with just that. I don’t think we gave it enough tries, but I’m sure they can help with loads of positions for many different body types. I highly recommend them, but I know that they are expensive (got my set on eBay, honestly!) and perhaps you could try similar types of things with just pillows? Worth a shot anyway.

While I don’t have an illustrative bone in my body, I will do my best to describe my own choice positions and such and please feel free to ask questions!

One thing that I have had increasing difficulty acheiving is a comfortable position for clitoral stimulation (for both oral and digit manipulation). The traditional position for cunnilingus for instance, just doesn’t work for me and my luciously large thighs. I can spread my legs  only so far and while my husband enjoys spreading my thighs and then hoisting them up (so that my legs are in a frog/squat like position only I’m on my back) to pleasure me, it is not my first choice. Actually for oral I prefer to lay on my back, legs apart of course, and have him next to me sort of on his side or all fours while he licks me with the top of his head poiting towards my feet and his chin pointed towards my belly. Make sense?

For being digitally stimulated I prefer one position only: I’m on all fours with my legs quite far apart (it’s comfortable for me this way) while he manipulates my clitoris from behind me. This also allows him a nice view of my ass and access to my vaginal opening for extra pleasure! Fantastic, actually!

Now, for actual intercourse I prefer to be on all fours, just comfortable for me and I get a bit more control over speed and thrust along with great positioning for possible g-spot hitting. However, I also love laying on my side while my husband holds up one of my legs, the leg flat on the bed being between his legs. This is lovely! He can grab anything he wants and so can I! There is a tendency (at least for us) to thrust a bit deeper than usual, but hey sometimes that’s awesome, too!

The traditional missionary position is cool, too. But I prefer my husband hoist my legs as far back as they’ll go (he is often surprised by my flexibility even outside of the boudoir) and just, um, go crazy! Ha-ha!

I mentioned previously that I don’t like to get on top. There are a few reasons for this. Mostly? I don’t feel like I can support all of my upperbody with my arms. I tend to lean forward while on top and it’s just never been comfortable for me. I would like to remedy this, but so far have not tried any alternative positions while on top. If you have suggestions or success stories, please comment! I did once think of removing the arms from my office chair so that I could straddle, facing my husband, but also while grabbing the back of the chair and certainly the hydrolics wouldn’t hurt! But I haven’t tried this.

Aside from the above, well, I guess that’s all we’ve really tried. With variations including the edge of the bed and such, facing different directions and things like that. I’m not terribly good at asking for things in the midst of things, but I’m getting better. Everyone has their own style and comfort level and I encourage all to try new things without doing anything that makes you absolutely uncomfortable. Practice helps, certainly, but nothing should be painful (unless you are aiming for that) and you should never feel unsafe!

Now, my husband and I have been together for over a dozen years. So who knows, there could be some radical new type of sex positioning or technology that we’ve yet to hear about. We haven’t tried sex toys or anything like that. I will fully endorse using a water-based lube, though. It helps immensly, even if you’re not having moisture issues, it just makes it more fun and pleasurable, I think.

These are simply my own personal preferences. I weigh around 325lbs and my husband around 170lbs. I have no experience with fat partners, but would love to hear from anyone who does. I think it’s important to communicate with your partner and make sure you are comfortable and safe every step of the way. Trying new things can be fun, but can also make one nervous. As long as you’re okay with that, go for it!

If you have other sex questions or tips or advice, leave a comment. If you’d prefer your comment not be posted, email me here: or to remain truly anonymous you can ask a fellow fat blogger, here:

Thanks for reading!  =0)

posted under fat, FUN!, Sex | 10 Comments »

Call For detroit Area Atists, Speakers and Crafters!

Thursday, January 20, 2011 at 11:30pm – Friday, January 21, 2011 at 12:00am

Location Submit Application to:

Created By

More Info
What: BODYSLAM! Poetry Jam & Storytelling

Where: The Trumbullplex, 4210 Trumbull St., Detroit, MI, 48208

When: February 19th, 2011 6-11pm

Love Your Body Detroit will be holding its first ever fundraiser and we need your help to make it a huge success! We are looking for speakers for our main show a poetry jam and storytelling session that will be happening on the main stage.

Poetry / Stories can be related to but are not limited by,
• Fat phobia / hatred
• Ethnic or racial diversity
• Appearance based oppression
• Eating Disorders
• Body Image
Basically anything that will make us think critically about our bodies or how it feels to live in yours! Submissions should be at a maximum 10 minutes in length and emailed in a word document to the address below. Please also include your name, contact information, and a short personal bio.

Artists or vendors:
We are also looking for body positive artists / craft vendors who’s work shows size, racial or ethnic diversity through any form of media.
Please send the following in a word document,
• Name / Business
• Contact Info
• Kind of Work / Products you sell
• Links to examples of your work
**Crafters who make clothing and wish to participate should make sure their clothing sizes are just as diverse as the people in attendance. Also vendor fees will be on a donation basis only, if you wish to give we will love you for it!

Participant Submission Deadline: 1/20/11
Submit Application to:

Fun With Shoe Fashion (On The Cheap, Yo!)


I love shoes. My husband thinks I’m insane, but I assure him that my modest collection pales in comparison to most. While lusting after Marianne’s Fluevog’s I started combing the webz for discounted ones and found all sorts of neato vintagey stuff, that I love. But then I came across an oldie but a goodie for sure: Shoe Clips!

OMZ! These are adorable!!! and I realized that they’re not for grannies and strange aunties (I do identify with the auntie bit myself, but I digress) these are mad-rad! So then I headed over to Etsy (My beloved!) and guess what? Tons of friggin’ shoe clips!

The great thing about shoe clips is you can make some yourself out of all kinds of junk and if you’re truly crafty, you can make more masculine ones for dudes, too! I am picturing anchors or steampunkish accents. Lovely! I say get whacky, get creative and have fun with it, dammit! Life is too short to be miserable just ’cause you’re broke as a joke (like moi)! You probably have some plain-jane kicks in your closet, now you can dress ’em up or make them funky! I love this idea so much!

And because I love all things DIY, I am so going to do this:

Upcycled Sweater Boots

You just need some flats, an old sweater, hot glue, buttons & a sewing machine. (I’m sure you could hand-stitch if you wanted to.) I am daydreaming of a small army of fats with DIY sweater boots telling the corporate retailers where to stick it with their too-small-for-my-calves boots! Ahem! *Clears Throat* Sorry. Depending on the sweater, I think this is a fab idea!

Have you made over something in your wardrobe into something mega-cool? Tell me about it!!! Send me any other fab-fashion ideas!

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