
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

My Outfit From the Swap


I mentioned my outfit from the Swap in S.F. on Sunday and now I have a pic to share with you all:

The shrug was from I believe it’s an Ellos one, discontinued, as I wanted it in black, too.
The dress is Torrid (size 4), but I got it at a swap so there’s no telling when it was purchased.
The tights are from Avenue (microfiber size E) and the shoes are Doc Martens (eBay!)
The pearls my husband bought me a few years ago and the bag I got Vintage on

My make up (since people actually asked) was Clinque’s “Black Honey” collection which was a 3 color eye pallet, lipstick and gloss. I skipped the gloss and put a different, more pink color under the lipstick. My fave new mascara is the Falsies one, I think it’s Maybeline. My foundation (I never wear the stuff but had fun getting dolled up for the swap) was Almay’s color blend in light, just used the Revlon colorstay concealer and covergirl translucent pressed powder. And just ’cause, the glasses were from JC Penny. Ha!

I never know what to saw on these fatshion type posts. But here I am, in my strangely colorful glory! I had intended to wear that black eshakti dress, but it looked too formal/dark for the day. As per usual, I am 5’4″, 300+ lbs and full of sass, spunk, cheer and sarcasm.

Special thanks to Nicole for taking the fab photos! Can’t wait to see the rest! I know she’ll be recapping the swap on her blog, too! Woo!

Fat Events: Always Worth It!

Yesterday I attended a Fatshion Swap event in San Francisco. I had heard about it on and immediately knew I’d have to go. It’s so very rare that these things work with my schedule. I got all dolled up and headed out a bit later than I had planned. I had one of those weird moments when you know there’s a chance that you’ll be way over dressed or made up and I’d walk in a everyone would be in jeans and pony tails. Well, that didn’t happen. Ha! I did have a helluva time walking up the hill to the venue from where I parked in my outfit because of the wind insisting the world see my undergarments. I did make it though and was greeted by some lovely fats!
The swap is THIS SUNDAY! SF Weekly wrote it up, and we’re at capacity! Heather and Laura are spending Saturday picking up champagne, making playlists, getting change, and doing it to it! Sunday can’t get here fast enough. Oh, and if you’re not at the swap, you can follow along with the fun on twitter! Hopefully we’ll remember to tweet lots of sexy shots, but we can’t promise we won’t be too drunk on champagne and cupcakes to forget!
I handed off my clothes for the swap and gave my donation at the door. Part of me expected a stamp on my hand or the typical club “no in & out privileges” talk. None of that though. The moment I walked in I was slightly overwhelmed until I saw my friend Nicole off to one side chatting with Marilyn Wann. How fucking cool is that?! Way fucking cool, I’ll tell ya! And everyone looked amazing! (Nicole was kind enough to take some pictures and I shall post them once I receive them. She’s a very busy gal and so we will have to wait patiently together.) I believe that there was champagne and cupcakes, but I arrived terribly late and so there was not much in that arena by that time. No worries, I had plenty to see and do and chat and just good times!
What I could not get over/handle/understand was that there were so many gals coming up to me saying how they loved my outfit and even asking for make up tips…from ME?! Twilight Zone!!! Cannot be real! Yet somehow, it was. I never dress up or wear make up. The outfit I wore came together by sheer accident and my make up was easy because it was the infamous and classic Clinique “Black Honey” collection. Ha-ha! But I was a-glow from the compliments. You could not have asked for cooler or nicer gals, I swear!
After some chatting and seeing what I could find on the size 20+ table (I scored a cotton skirt) I turned around and there was Jessica in a see-through black mesh dress with ivory lace collar smiling right at me! What a bizarre moment that was. I’d never met or spoken to her before and usually only see her on Tumblr, so to suddenly be right in front of her smiling, rosy-glowing face? Fabulous! She is just as lovely and amazing in-person as she is online. Myself, Nicole, Jessica and a bunch of other gals (sorry ladies, I remember some of your names but not all…it was too much fun!) headed out to lunch once we were done at the swap. We talked and ate and laughed so very much. It was a true delight!
I feel that I made some new friends. I felt so welcomed. I felt that I was a part of something very special. And let me tell you, walking along Divisadero in San Francisco in a procession of glamorous looking fat ladies? All eyes were on  us! At one point Jessica began waving at the on-lookers and I just couldn’t keep the smile off my face. What a sight we must have been?! What a fantastic and fabulous and fucking bad ass fatty sight we must have been?! Ha-ha!
I did feel a twinge of sadness sitting there with these lovely gals. You see, I thought of so many of you who couldn’t attend this fat event. I thought of specific friends I have made through this blog or Fatshionista or just all over the ‘Sphere, ya know? And I just thought, well, I thought to myself that I needed to enjoy it all the more so that I could somehow absorb it’s core goodness and give it right back to all who have been so kind and helped and supported me along my fat acceptance journey. I realize that there is no way I can beam such loveliness through the internet, but I assure you it’s being sent out right to you at this very moment. Huge rays of fatty-love, shining out from within me and straight into you! Can you feel that? It’s the love! Ha-ha!
My point (I have a point?), is that fat events are so very worth the effort put into organizing and attending them. I know it’s not always easy to get out of our lives and routines for such things, believe me I know! But damn, there is nothing like that feeling! This swap was such a fun and eye opening experience for me. I just wish it didn’t have to end. That none of us ever had to go to a job or a home or any of those lifey things. No, we would just exist in a realm all our own and laugh and laugh! But reality is what it is and here I am at work. I feel hung over, but not from my pint of pear cider. I feel a bit worn out. Because I know how special yesterday was and I think I am somehow mourning the fact that it’s over and who knows what tomorrow will bring. We have to enjoy each moment as much as we can and be grateful for having these amazing people in our lives (online or IRL).
I have no doubt that another swap will be organized and I will attend. There’s also NoLose in Oakland this Summer and hopefully another Cupcakes & Muffin Tops (clothing swap organized by Big Moves Bay Area) later in the summer, too. I have my monthly fat meet up on the second Saturday of the month at my cafe (for now). And who knows what else is brewing out there?! If you can, please go to these events, it’s such an opportunity to meet and relate and enjoy the company of those who would never hate or judge you. Why? Because they themselves have dealt with all of that, too. There is this unspoken bond. There is a special sparkly something that just makes these things so worth it. And if there aren’t any fat events near you, organize one yourself! There are so many fats who would love to help you do just that!

Love Letter To Your Body

I recently saw a call for submissions for Love Letters to your Body and I immediately wanted to do it. It took me awhile to actually get to the writing part, but I thought through many variations on how it could go. I have also seen some submissions that people have posted to their blogs. Amazing stuff, I have to say! If you’d like to submit your own you may email it to and how you want to be credited. So, without further ado, here is my love letter to my body:
Dear Body,
What can I tell you that you don’t already know? That you can withstand years of physical, emotional and sexual abuse and recover and heal and start anew? That you could be loved and touched by yourself and by a lover? That you could find new pleasures and excitements often? That the things that scared you before are now thrilling and delightful?
I don’t need to tell you that. I need to tell you how much I love you. I am so grateful for all that you have gotten me through. We’ve been through it all together, inseparable. Even during those times when I left you to deal with reality while I receded into a fantasy to escape the pain; you endured it all for me. Shoulders broad and strong. Hips of girth and sass. Belly of rolls and love and laughter. Knees stronger than one would believe yet needing always some kindness and care. Arms that may sag and sway in the breeze yet comfort, hold, lift, squeeze and care for those in need. Hands that find new things and textures and delight in the work that they do. Eyes that should have hardened with bitterness long ago; seeking only truth and love from here on out. Feet that support and stay grounded both literally and metaphorically.
Through the agony and despair; through the joys and delights; nothing can’t be done when my mind is in harmony with you, my dear and beloved body. You carry me to safety. You heal from almost everything we’ve encountered. Scars only show a fraction of our wondrous journey. And we’ve only just begun. I’m ready for the next chapter, body, are you?
I love you!

Old School Shout Outs!


These people have been kicking my ass in the best possible ways lately:

Brian of Red No. 3 He just keeps saying what I’m thinking, only far more eloquently. So glad he’s on the FA team!

Kath of Fat Heffalump For getting right to the point on how death fats/super fats must put up with shoddy clothing at ridiculous prices and even then the garments usually don’t fit right! Spot on, Kath!

Bruce of Chubstr & Big Boy Fashion He has so many fantastic ideas! I am constantly checking the new site out for new nuggets of awesome. You don’t even know! OMZ! The punk, the bow tie? I love it all!

Whomever thought of FATPOCALYPSE!!! I love the name, the concept and the “tools” to make it happen. Go check it out, it’s rad-tabulous! You better believe I’m all over this! Just gotta get to printin’ and I’ll be strategically planting these messages, oh, everywhere!

Marilyn Wann For starting Fat Club For Men on Facebook! Ms. Wann is a wealth of ideas and creative endeavors. So I can’t say that I was surprised, but I love it! It is a members only kind of thing, so do apply and post and enjoy!

WithoutScene for a lot of things, but her latest entry on Finessing The Fuck You had me thinking back on all of the relationships in my life and I am wondering what I can do about all of those loose ends I hadn’t previously realized were loose! Wow! I love a blog/entry/gal that makes ya think!

My Readers! If you’re reading this, you are amazing! You rock my socks! I love you, truly!

Thank you!


Fatshion Post: Eshakti Review With Pics! Woo!


So, I had a couple of glasses of wine the other night and just felt rad and so I finally got around to taking pics of my order. I share with you a review of what I bought with pics of myself wearing them. And just to kick things off right, here’s a pic of my fave day-off outfit:

I said to my husband, “Holy crap! Is my chest always so red?!” He said, “No, but it’s like when your cheeks get flushed, so does your chest.” Thanks reality for putting me in check. *flips off reality*

I have bought a few pieces from since first hearing about their radness from Lesley of Fatshionista/TwoWholeCakes fame. While they were/are all lovely, I just don’t wear them much and I can’t really figure out why. In fact the one dress I lusted after, bemoaned when they discontinued and then bought the second they brought it back, I haven’t even worn yet! Nuts! But I still adore their stuff, it’s all so unique and fabulous and the customizing? Yeah, where else can ya get that at an affordable price? NOWHERE!!!

When I received a gift certificate for Eshakti, well, I took my time and chose what I knew I would wear! Since this wasn’t my money anyway, I went with two things I always want but never buy: A dress & a skirt!

Here’s what I got:

Lace Version Link Here

Cotton (Cinnamon)Link Here
Skirt Link Here

Ruffle front lace dress

The black dress I got was
actually a jersey knit-cotton.
The pic is the same, but in lace.

Here’s the pics of me in them:

And now for my review:

OMZ! I always choose the custom sizing option because I’m a death fatty and at the tiny price they charge for it it is so completley and utterly worth it! I don’t care what size you are, get the custom option! For real! I got to choose arm opening size, skirt length…you name it! That said, I received my items a few weeks ago and hadn’t even tried them on. I’m not crazy, just confident that they would be fabulous and fit right and I haven’t been feeling very camera ready lately, ya know? But I threw them on last night and instantly felt amazing in them. I have zero complaints. Well, I have one request: MORE Gift Certificates, please! Ha! That’s it though.

The dress is a thick cotton knit jersey, double layered, with puff sleeves (squee!), POCKET! (double squee!) and it falls right where I want it! (I think it was just below the knee on me). The neckline is slightly more modest than I’m used to, but no problem with that either. It just means I never have to worry about the boobages peaking out without warning. Some dresses they just do that. They’re very friendly apparently. Ha-ha!

The skirt! Oh this skirt! It comes in a few colors, but the purple just spoke to me. I could wear this skirt to almost anything and look fabulous and fit in without worry. From casual to formal, this skirt rocks my socks! I am still not used to wearing skirts, so I am unsure where I want it to sit, but it would depend on what top I pair it with, I think. So here’s the pics:
Photobucket Photobucket Photobucket

Since I never do fatshion posts anymore, here’s a Bonus pic of a B&Lu dress a great friend gave me over the weekend:

Now if I could just find the right purple tights…
Also, just won these on eBay and shall be pairing them with both of my eShakti items, WOOT!!!
Doc Martens “Ellen”

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