
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Happy International No Diet Day!


Happy International No Diet Day to you and you and you!

I wanted to share some of my thoughts today and some fabulous resources, too!

Today I am celebrating by being kind to my body, to myself and to others. I put on eye make up (wow! I know!) and a top I rarely wear and have already gotten some compliments (not my motivation, but still nice). I will feed my body what it desires and give no thought or value or question why or what that is or means. I am pretty much spamming my facebook with INDD stuff today, so if you’re an FB friend o’ mine, tough it out! Ha-ha! =0)

Check out Fat Girls Float‘s post today for the origin & goals of INDD

For info on the INDD Fat Flesh Mob in S.F. Go to Big Fat Blog

Read about how the Fat Waitress Loves her Body!

The ever fabulous Golda Poretsky is offering her book Stop Dieting Now for FREE today only!!!

Sharon Haywood have a fabulous post up at Adios Barbie and be sure to watch her video.

Some are using the Twitter tag , so check out those posts if you’re over there. But if you’re low on teaspoons or sanity points, you may not want to actually look up International No Diet Day on Twitter. Just sayin’! Lots of folks are saying some silly stuff. Be aware that many links in these tweets link to diet ads, weight loss centers and worse.

For more info or ideas on INDD check out this page (link provided by Penguin Books AUS on twitter).

I am also noticing some people “celebrating” either for the wrong reasons or in the worst ways.
INDD was not created as an excuse for us to all gorge ourselves on “bad” foods or what have you.

Thanks for reading.

I Wore A Dress (Bonus DIY Leggings Vid)


I had such a glorious day off yesterday. I had zero plans other than two errands and one of those got cancelled, so it was pretty chill. I love that! And it was about 70 degrees all day; perfection in my book. I was feeling so swell in fact that I wore an actual dress! I know, nuts, right? Okay, so I wore leggings under the dress, but mostly because it wasn’t that hot out and I didn’t have tights handy. I had been wanting to wear the dress since I got it from the ever stylish Nicole. She had brought it to the S.F. clothing swap just for little old me (what a doll, right?). But it’s been strange spring weather and I wasn’t feeling it, ya know? Until yesterday, that is. Can ya tell?

Yes, that’s my little puggy man there having his nappy time. Ha-ha! The dress was originally from and I had wanted a top in this same fabric/print so bad but they had sold out of my size. Boo! But Nicole was such a sweetie pie and gave me this dress of hers. I know you can’t see the leggings, but they are from Torrid with the lace at the ankle. Basic. I haven’t a clue where the hat came from. Back of my car is all I know. Ha-ha! Perhaps Ross Dress For Less? That sounds about right. I just wore flip-flops with this. It was lovely!

I have several dresses now but always hesitate to wear them. Mostly due to either chub rub issues or my legs showing issues. Leggings help and my good friend Amanda linked me to this Leggings DIY video so I may give it a go on my own:

Inspirationally Rad Fatty Alert: Psycho Sue


My last podcast was with the ever incredible and amazing Psycho Sue! I had no idea at the time how much of an impact that little convo of ours would have on each other and even our readers.

I was ever so delighted to find the song she mentioned writing recently about being rejected for her size in the music industry (BULLSHIT!!!) on her blog. I clicked play and got chills instantly. Though, I must admit, by the end of the song I was bawling my face off. Good stuff, you guys! You don’t even know. Get over there and watch/listen and prepare for awesomeness and inspiration!

And then again to my delight and amazement (I am beginning to believe that this is all she does, amaze me), she started a sewing tutorial video series! Woot! A Total bad ass! I love ya, Sue! Keep doing what you’re doing, because you’re doing it just right! <3

I wish we were neighbors! Oh the shenanigans we would get into?! Ha-ha! And our little puggies would be BFFs and we’d live happily sewing after…Ha-ha! Seriously, I am so glad to have her, and you all here reading, in my life! Thank you!

Podcast Episode Seven: Psycho Sue!!!


It was so nice talking with Psycho Sue of!
If you’re not already reading her blog, get on over there and prepare to be wowed!

Also, you can check out her band’s page (sewing tutorials) (retro shapewear)

We talked sewing and pugs and rocking out and well…just listen and see!  =0)

Podcast Episode 7 Psycho Sue.lite

You may listen to the podcast here on the page (player is below) or on iTunes here or search podcasts for: NotBlueAtAll
(please subscribe if you are able).



Self-Care: Vital To My Well-Being


In my last podcast, Golda and I chatted quite a bit about self-care and how important it is. We also discussed the struggles we have in keeping with it. It will be the first thing you toss out the window/give up because it affects no one but you and no one will remind you to do it. Don’t I know it?! Whew! It is something I often preach about (I dislike the word preach, but at this point I think it’s apt), yet even I have a difficult time sticking to it! It’s sad, but very true. Especially when we are stressed, busy, in crisis mode, etc…we drop the one thing that, often, keeps us going.  That funk ‘o mine? Probably due to a complete and utter lack of self-care, y’all! No doubt! (With a healthy side of depression for good luck!)

Sometimes it really is the little things that matter. I realized this on Sunday, while getting all dolled up for the fatshion swap. I remembered how I used to put on make up every day before (or even at) work. How I always felt like I didn’t know what the hell I was doing yet somehow found it almost fun. And the feedback I got (and am still getting) floored me! I am most comfortable without make up and hairspray and pearls, but I like those things, too. I am more than a one dimensional gal, what can I say?

Yesterday I finally got down to brass tacks as they say and did some much needed and long overdue self-care! It is still a bit humbling to speak of my financial status, but I’m owning it anyway. I used to get monthly pedicures and thought nothing of it. Now? *sigh* Now I must DIY anything I can’t buy for less than five bucks. For realz. It just is. So I gave myself a pedicure last night (husband went fishing, no bites sadly). My toe nails were painted and pedicured…TWO months ago! Yikes! My toe nails were long, as you can imagine, and long overdue for attention. I bought that Easy Feet thing (as seen on t.v.) and used that in the shower with my husband’s lovely tea tree body wash. Later, after many more errands and chores were completed, I finally did the whole schpeil. I didn’t get to paint them (couldn’t find my base or top coats), but I did cut, file, trim them and pumiced my heels. WOW! What a difference?!

This also led to my putting up a lil pic I found on Tumblr, to remind myself to floss, like, every day! I floss when I remember and lately that is never.My memory is the worst lately and I’m not sure why (okay, stress is why). Now when I go to the restroom or brush my teeth I see that little comic-gal and her message: “Floss Those Shits” and I giggle and I want to floss! It’s magical, I tell ya! (click pic for original poster on tumblr.)

I do believe, in my great 33 year old wisdom, that self-care is fucking vital to my well-being. I have seen what not doing it can lead to (vicious spirals of sad) and how much better I feel when I’m doing it daily! It’s not always such an undertaking though (and yeah, I consider a pedicure an undertaking). You can do anything for yourself, so long as you enjoy it or it gives you pleasure. It can be as tiny as doing your hair different or wearing a special outfit. It can also be big pampering things or lovely simple things like feeling the breeze or your hair on your bare back (a lovely feeling if you can manage it, I’m growing my hair out to get there again it was that lovely). It doesn’t have to be a big to-do or fuss. In fact I would say it shouldn’t be, but whatever works for you is fine.

It shouldn’t take very long and should fit nicely into your current routine or schedule. I like to use music or just a few quiet minutes in the morning before I open the cafe for business. You can dance, you can sing (or both), you can read a comic book (I recommend “Lenore” she’s my fave)…anything! Cooking, baking, sewing…creative stuff is rad! Or even just buying a new lip gloss or getting a massage from a loved one. All of these things and so much more. But don’t pressure yourself. It defeats the purpose of it, honestly. This isn’t homework or an assignment, this is you doing something for you!

So paint your nails a fun color, let your hair down, wear jeans, or whatever you do that makes you more comfortable or more authentically you! Throw on that Salt ‘N Pepa song (“Tramp” just came on my iPod and is taking me waaaaay back!) and let the music take control, let the music move you! (Ha-ha!) Or you know what? Just daydream for fuck’s sake! How often do we get to do that these days? But most of all, enjoy it! And don’t forget to do it (if you can help it).


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