When Fat Is Never Active Enough
I don’t care what size you are, unless you’ve always been training for the olympics, someone, somewhere has told you or implied that you simply aren’t active enough and are thus doomed to die sooner than…? Anyone? Just athletes? Hmm…Let’s talk about this!
For active is every movement I make throughout the day. To many, active is is only going to the gym or an aerobics class. To others, they haven’t a clue what being active actually is, and I’m beginning to wonder if we’re all a bit confused on ths subject. While I think that being active is a personal thing and that we should seek out only what feels good for our bodies to do and move in, a lot of people in many parts of this world of brainwashours simply think that unless you have some sort of serious regimine, that you’re not healthy. Add in the fat factor and in their eyes, even becoming a gym rat will never be enough.
We’ve even heard it from those we love and trust the most. It can feel like the ultimate betrayal. Even from those who know better, the words somehow still come and you still feel worthless having heard them. I have been there. My very own husband once said to me that he worries about my health and how my fat might affect me in the long run. What?! Yeah, and this was well after I got into FA and started reading up about it. I think reading “Health At Every Size” helped me and him, but me more since I still get shit like this from people.
The worst is when a partner says something like they cannot be attracted to someone who doesn’t care about their health (by not being active in their eyes). It’s so wrong on so many levels. For one, they are already in a relationship with and having sex with you…suddenly the topic of fitness or activity comes up and they think they can get all high and fucking mighty by shaming you this way? If they were telling the truth and this was how they felt? Why the hell are you with them and they with you? Think on that. Why wait until this topic to come out with such a stupid (as in ill-informed) statement? Shouldn’t they have mentioned this on one of your first three dates or something? I think it makes them look like an ass, plain and simple. But it happens. It’s total bullshit and if it were said to me in this way, well, I consider myself a pacifist, but someone would be walkin’ funny for awhile. Thanks.
We live in a society that has been brainwashed. This is my opinion alone. I do think that we’ve all been marketed to for so much of our lives that at some point you stop thinking on your own and simply adopt the socially acceptable thoughts and judgments of the day. And some of us stop to think and question and look beyond just what’s being shoved down our collective throats. Some of us steer away from mainstream media and try to find the truth or the man behind the curtain (Wizard of Oz reference). And when you do? When you do see behind the proverbial curtain and find that the power behind every message we’ve ever been sold (or told) is money and nothing but money money money? You have to stop and wonder if what you like, what you believe, what you know in your heart is truly your own or were you marketed to believe it? Is purple really my favorite color or is it simply this season’s trend? How can you really know?
I don’t have the answer, but I do believe that it is up to each of us individually to decide what feels best, what matters most and what we see as our true and authentic selves! I have reached that point in my life where the false niceties and put-on charms are worthless and truly meaningless. I have little patience for false hopes and bullshitters! I pride myself on my honesty and willingness to seek out the truth, fight for it even. I know what matters most to me. And what matters least is money.
I had a bit of a revelation yesterday. I was thinking about my relationship with my husband (13 years, woo) and how I am so bad at asking for what I want of or from him. I was really, seriously thinking about this. How could this be? Why do I still, after all of this time, have the almost inability to straight up ask him for something or to do something? He will often point out that I will say things like, “Is that window open?” or “Do you think it’d be better if…?” rather than simply asking him to close the window. And I could not figure this out. I knew it bothered him, I tried hard not to do it, but I still fucking do it! And then the revelation came: Growing up poor means that everything you ask for gets shut down. Everything I’d ever wanted, no matter how small or simple, got shut down usually before it even left my lips. Living with that constant rejection tangled up in an endless feeling of WANT left me unable to simply ask for things. Why I refuse help when offered (working on this, too) and why I often talk myself out of possibly fantastic opportunities.
My point is that even when we think we know something, we don’t! When someone shames us for something? They may not even know why or believe what they said themselves. These epiphany like moments are so few and far between, but damn so I/we learn so much from them! I think if we stay more open to what our gut tells us (or intuition, whatever you call it), we may just find our truer selves in there and finally be able to overcome or tune out those messages and marketers once and for all.
What do you think?