Fat Events: Always Worth It!
I posted my review about Pambra’s awhile back, but just received a new comment about it and I wanted to share it with you:
“Just wanted to comment on what a great review of Pambra’s this is. I hate my bras and underwire, and Pambra’s made all the difference. That’s why we decided to start selling them at More of Me to Love. We have the lowest prices, free shipping on two packs or more, and for all readers of NotBlueAtAll, we will give an additional 10% off all Pambra’s. Just input “NotBlueAtAll” into the Discount Code field of your shopping cart. If you have any Pambra’s questions, let us know!”
Wow! How awesome is that? Very! A great deal if you’ve been putting off trying them or didn’t want to pay shipping. I love when shipping is free! I might have to pick up a couple for myself! ‘Cause when it’s hot outside? You never feel like you have enough Pambra’s! Rock on!
Last night while grocery shopping (I know, that never happens), I was looking at some stuff in the deli case when this woman behind me had what appeared to be a breakthrough of some sort. I say this because she looked as though she left reality/her body for a moment. I heard behind me a great inhalation and gasp. This made me turn around for fear I might be in danger of some sort. Then she exclaimed, “Oh my god! I can’t believe it!” as she grabbed a package of sausage from it’s hook with both hands and held it to her bosom. “From my childhood!” she tried to explain desperately, seeming in disbelief herself as she tried to make her shopping companion understand as she herself seemed nearly unable to grasp the sudden impact this finding had. She stood there a bit just holding and staring at this sausage in it’s vacuum sealed package. The kind that is a single link but shaped like an open-ended teardrop.
This encounter had an effect on me. “Certainly I’ve felt that way about something before,” I thought to myself. She just seemed so happy! As though that sausage was some sort of missing link in a wonderful chain of memories and this link being what would finally drive her to pure happiness forever and ever, infinity! As I grow older, every day, little snippets of childhood memories start to come together or they don’t. I find that I can remember things quite vividly now that I couldn’t recall at all just a few years ago. Things from my childhood do certainly bring me to a temporary state of bliss. Sadly, as a kid who grew up during the 80’s, most of those things are being modernized and re-sold to a new generation of kids who will never know or see their original form.
Food is such a comforting thing sometimes. When you’re a poor kid? It’s even more so. I certainly remember eating almost that same sausage as a “treat” for dinner as a kid. I remember getting some change together with my childhood best friend Riana, saddling up on our bikes and heading to the 7-11 for a spree of Jolly Ranchers, Now And Laters and sometimes taffy or soda. We were always able to stretch our quarters and dimes. Often she and I would hit up Manor Market for a big bar of taffy and a matching soda (for $1, no kidding), I’d always get strawberry, she always grape. We would head back to her house and bedroom with our spoils and laugh and enjoy our treats. We would giggle as the taffy would sort of lean over while resting against our soda cans. We’d pretend that the taffy wanted some soda, too! We made up stories and names for them. Then we’d play with our Strawberry Shortcake dolls and giggle some more.
When a friend mentioned getting a writing assignment for my hometown and the YMCA there I immediately said, “The one by Palm Park, right?” he wasn’t sure, but I was. And suddenly all of the good and bad memories and days upon days spent at that very park came flooding back. The heartache and shame. The stolen bike. The dirty magazine we found in the bushes that time. The tire swing. The splinters and scrapes. The cartwheels and frisbee games. And later, the boys and the make outs, the bickering and the end of an era. I hope I never forget my childhood and Riana. While there was some terrible stuff at times, it was mostly fantastic. We always had something to do when we were together. Even completely bored, we weren’t alone and that seemed enough most times.
Last night I was mentally putting together “the ultimate outfit” in my head (as I often do) and had a sudden spark of memory of my own, brighter than light itself: The perfect belt! And it came from my childhood! Not only that, my husband said he had the same fucking belt?! WTF?! How rad is that? The belt? Clear plastic skinny belt with rainbow pinstripes and a tiny metal/silver horse shoe buckle. Wow! I need this belt in my life NOW! Anyone else remember such a thing?
I say let’s all embrace these funny and quirky memories and just go with them. Let us all get swept up in a moment like the lady at the grocery store and just be in awe of that moment itself. Let it wrap it’s nostalgia around you and carry you back into childhood dreams and fantasies! Because it was back then that hopefully we didn’t care what anyone else thought of us, we were just kids and that was all we needed to be. <3
 I know I keep saying what fun I have on these podcasts, but seriously? It is a total blast. I only hope that y’all are enjoying this even half as much as I am.
Bruce is such a great guy and a true rad fatty (not to mention one of the original Tank Top Tuesday volunteers)! His current blog is here: BigBoyFashion and launching March 15th, the new site: Chubstr until then you can find updates and “Like” his facebook page or follow BBF on Twitter!
We talked pants design (just say no to pleats!), shoes, plus size male models and more! Thanks for being you, Bruce! Can’t wait for all of the cool new stuff you’ve got coming up!
Podcast Episode Five You may listen to the podcast here on the page (player is below) or on iTunes here or search podcasts for: NotBlueAtAll (please subscribe if you are able).
I’m in such a fab mood today! It’s Friday (FINALLY!!!) and while I overslept, got to work majorly late and should be all out of breath by this point, I’m not! I’m ready for what today has to offer! I hope this week hasn’t been too hard on you. I can’t believe it’s already March 4th!
Today I wanted to offer up some stuff I’m particularly fond of right now (hence the title, he-he). If there’s anything you’re in love with this week, or just today, please share in comments! I’d love to see and hear all about it! It’s so important to celebrate those little things that keep us going. What keeps me going lately, is you, my lovely reader and the following:
Want to impact the design of plus sized swim wear? Share your thoughts and feedback here (how often do we get the chance?!):
These are some oldies, but goodies and so I wanted to share them again because this stuff comes up so often for us fats:
10 Reasons Why The BMI is Bogus: http://n.pr/SyPAs
You Did Not Eat Your Way To Diabetes: http://bit.ly/4jjEAY
My favorite, “Dear Health Care Providerâ€: http://bit.ly/bPfOl2
And lastly, from Linda Bacon herself: http://www.lindabacon.org/faqs.html
Some of my absolute Favorite Tumblr.com Blogs (Some may be NSFW):
bigbellybabes.tumblr.com/ I love seeing all of these gorgeous big bellies!
bigboyfashion.tumblr.com/ Why I signed up for Tumblr!
fuckyeahfatpositive.tumblr.com/ Always a good one!
fuckyeahchubbyguys.tumblr.com/ Sorry, I just love chubby guys!
chubby-bunnies.tumblr.com/ Love this!
I love music of all genres and eras. But when I’m in need of a pick-me-up, nothing does the trick like “the vitamin pill with legs” Ms. Betty Hutton herself! There is nothing like Betty Hutton’s cheery tunes to lift me up when I’m down. It’s 40′s music, and almost always upbeat and positive. She makes me laugh and since and dance and well, Here are my faves: http://bit.ly/TZw4B http://bit.ly/bgjKr http://bit.ly/bgjKr
If that doesn’t knock your socks off, perhaps this will! My friend Carmen turned me onto Grand Ole Party yesterday. Now I’m a bit of a music snob at times, but they kicked my ass! Lady-Drummer-Singer!!! Fab lyrics, to boot! I think they sound like if Karen O (of Yeah Yeah Yeahs fame) fronted The White Stripes…FANTASTIC! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xziod5qt03k
So what’s on your agenda tonight/this weekend? I am excited about my plans, but can’t share them just yet! Ha-ha! And tomorrow I’ll be chillin’ with my BFFs and eating and drinking and being merrily fabulous with them, too! Oh sure, I have to do some grocery shopping and stuff like that, but I doubt in the grand scheme of things that that is what I’ll remember about this weekend. Ha-ha!
Take care of YOU!