
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Life Without Fabulon…


My beloved and fave blog has mysteriously shuttered. Leaving me with heartache and a need for a fix of fabulosity! So…I shall scour the webz in search and perhaps you’ll join me on this adventure and see what we find in the universe!

Came across a Tweet from 52stations and I friggin’ loved it and Carrie Fisher for writing it:

I love this site’s clothing and have bought a few items now. I can attest to it’s quality and uniqueness. You just won’t see another gal walking down the street in thei stuff (yet!): with sizes from 0 – 38W there seems to be something for everyone! PLUS: you can get customized styling for $10! Yes! No tailor needed! And only $10!!!

I am loving Yoko Ono’s Tweets! You may have noticed my recent post “25 Things” in her honor. Well, check out her site: it’s full of fabulosity and compassion!

If you’re a regular Fabulonian, you’ll already be familiar with Mr. Peakcock and his style:

And I love this art/design/blog: it’s always full of fab typesettings and all kinds of fabulousness!

If you’re on the fashion leaning side of Fabulon: will surely give you something to gawk at!

Another fashion one, but this one’s a more collage style scene:

I think one of the best blogs ever: because anyone who blogs about things that are awesome and specifically: #678 Sneaking cheaper candy into the movie theater is fabulous in my opinion!

Okay so this one is both fabulous and adorable:

I Love The Frugal Fag! I had wanted a clever name for this blog to go with his, but stuck with my old standby instead:

Another Fabulon Favorite:

If you love film and all things cinematique check out:

Um, not sure how to categorize this one, fun-weird-crazy-fab makeup and dress-up?

Four-eyes rejoice!

I am an Ikea addict, I won’t lie! But this makes your Ikea filled house look less so:

Have a crock pot? Need recipes/ideas? Cheggit:

Gorgeously Packaged Products (or ideas for them):


Oooh! I love these old pics:

Well, that’s all I’ve got for now sweetie-darlings! While it’s a sad day without our dear Fabulon, we can keep a little piece of her in our hearts, always!

This! Yes! This!


Don’t you love it when you’ve tried and failed to explain something before or maybe you just can’t spit the words out about something and it’s frustrating and then one day you hear/read someone else saying exactly what you’ve felt all along?


OMZ! Not only is Lesley Kinzel my total heroine, but she’s fatshionably fab, too! I mean, the girl can rock a dress! This was a revelation for me since we’re very close in size and I hadn’t worn a dress since my high school grunge days (sigh). If not for Fatshionista (the website and the LiveJournal community) I would not be as sane and happy and as brave as I am today. For realz, y’all! The fat acceptance movement has given me support, confidence and rekindled my all-out love for fashion. Only now, I can’t say “fashion” I can only say “fatshion”…and that is awesome!

Because so many of us are afraid of the word fat or think it nothing but an insult. Who among us hasn’t heard another say, “Oh my god! I am so fat!” or some other such horribly negative use of the word. But you know what? Oh my gawd…I AM FAT! And I love who I am! So…wev! Embrace it! Fat isn’t a disease or a syndrome or a stigma (to me) anymore. It’s a state of being. It is simply a descriptive word. Nothing more, nothing less.

I hate to think of our self-obsessed culture killing themselves to be “thin” (whatever that means). Because, as Lesley says, “Every body is different!” And your own relationship with your own body is your business and no one elses. Just because I am fat my lifestyle is not hindered one bit. I have flown to and from Europe, I have danced in a club, I have flown in a helecopter over Maui, I have found my partner for life and near and dear friends and I have even opened my very own business! My fat never got in the way! I am happier now than I was as a size 14 (I’m not closer to a 28/30)!

I guess what I am trying to say is, please stop hating your body. You deserve better! You’d never let a friend turn to you and say, “Ew! Look at your thighs! They’re disgusting!” so why would you do it to yourself? It’s not easy, but you can stop it.

And my favorite quote of the week/month is from Beth Ditto (of Gossip fame), “Punk will never Diet!” Oh my gawd, that is my new motto! I want a bumper sticker and a t-shirt, please?! Ha-ha!

Thanks for reading. And don’t worry, I’ll be posting my TFIF tomorrow! Tah!

Gossip: A Band to Rattle Your Conventions!


Gossip: In my humble (and free) opinion, the best band to come out of the last decade! Yes, I know that’s a bold statement and I am not one to take such things lightly! But this band’s sound rocks my world and kicks my ass into the next decade! Yep! It’s true.

Image based on beth ditto by IanMackinnon licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike

While relatively unknown in the U.S., the band Gossip have made  a huge splash across the pond,( in the U.K.). And for good reason, they are so different from most modern bands out there. Beth Ditto, singer/icon/rockstar/death fattie/lesbian is all things not normally seen in mainstream music and media. She carries a confidence that belongs in the rock world, true…but her style and shape and performance antics? She’s breaking down barriers many didn’t know existed and while some of us did, we’re either in love with her for it or hate her because of it!

 I’ve been a fan for awhile. Actually, I discovered them through BUST magazine’s review of their album “Standing In The Way Of Control.” I bought the CD and was completely unprepared or the ride! Listening to it is one thing, but then I looked up their videos online and WOAH! She’s a fat girl, too?! Holy shit! She’s also fahsionable and gorgeous and queer and talented beyond comprehension!

Their latest album, “Music for Men” came out this week and once again my mind was blown away! There is little left of my grey matter now as all I can do is sing songs from the album when left to my own devices. In the car, at home, on my iPod and in my bedroom…I’m loving every second of this album! The anticipation alone was enough to kill me, but now that I’ ve heard it a few dozen times? I’m lucky to be alive! It kicked my ass clear into next week! While it was no surprise to me how good it is, I had faith in the band all along…but I also knew it was produced by the infamous Rick Rubin! Yeah, a bunch of ridiculously and musically talented people making a record? Yes, please!!!

Lyrically genius and completely relatable and the production quality is sublime! I can’t say enough good things about this album and this band! Just strap yourself in and enjoy the ride! “And I will thank you for your cooperation…”

Music For Men – Gossip

Video for the first single, “Heavy Cross”: (or scroll down to my previous post for the embedded video)

A Call to Action, Sorta…

Please watch this funny and inspiring video (3 mins) and vote for the video (registration took 20 seconds) so that Fat Fancy can get a business grant…because seriously? They rock!

Poverty: Then & Now


I’ve been watching a lot of the 70’s television show “Good Times” lately. Not only does it bring back a lot of childhood memories, but it also reminds me that while times “they are a changin'”, they don’t really change that much!

An economic crisis occurred in the 70’s, too if you recall. There are several mentions of this in the family sit-com “Good Times.” I was at first confused by the “Oh! Wow! There’s meat in tonight’s stew? What’s the occasion?” remarks, but then they specify in other episodes how much things cost and how they always cost more in “the ghetto.”

Of course I don’t remember grocery shopping as a child or how much specific things may have cost, but I do remember time bing tough and my family really only being able to afford ground beef (or chuck) for most meals. And how the rent went up every year despite the fact that my father’s wages rarely did.

This article sort of points out what I’d been thinking/remembering: 

Today’s economic climate is no different than those tough times in the 1970’s! With fewer options America’s poor have fewer choices. Even those not yet at or below the poverty line still face decisions like medical insurance versus a car payment or electric bill. And with medical costs what they are today it’s no wonder more and more decide to pay for other necessities instead. And if someone without insurance (and even some with) need emergency treatment? Well, they are quickly welcomed into debt, poverty and even tougher decisions.

I’m not pointing this out to depress you or even to call the masses into action. I just wanted to remind everyone reading this that things do change for the most part, but when you’re poor it is a higher price you pay than those not much better off. You may not even know that your best friend, neighbor, etc are poor. It’s not something we discuss in social situations. Many Americans were struggling to “keep up with the Jones'” a year ago are now simply trying to keep up with living each day. 

Please be mindful, not wasteful. You do not realize the priveledges we all have in our daily lives. Try not to take them for granted. Thank you.

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