
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

New Podcast: Feat. Brenda & Julie of The Busty Traveler!


Notblueatall Podcast Episode Two (Player at the bottom)

Or on iTunes (Please subscribe if you can, Thanks!)

My guests this time were Brenda & Julie of Do check it out!

The post we were talking about “Double Double Featurette”

We talked about her friend Psycho Sue’s Blog: Sew Misunderstood-Fashion for Wayward Girls

Brenda’s Skirt tutorial!

Road to Wellville Trailer

This is the Etsy shop I got my “Know Fat Chicks” button!

Post on the LiveJournal Community Fatshionista about activism and grass roots ideas

My post with the business card that has a positive body message.

You Are Beautiful

Scene from Heathers that Brenda quotes:

A Heap of Random; It’s What I Do


Are you watching Big Boy Fashion? Not only is Bruce, the owner/blogger, posting mad-rad photos of fatshionable guys daily, but also compiling a retail clothing list for big guys! Rock on!

Have you tried The Daily Booth, yet? I have been taking a pic of myself every day (almost) but I’m not yet sure what I’d like to do with them. I had an idea in mind when I signed up, but I’ve sort of forgotten. Ha!

How To Eat Healthfully During The Holidays — Free 60 Minute Teleclass! As always, Go Golda Poretsky!!! If you’ve never heard of Golda & what she does, well don’t hesitate! I was fortunate enough to attend one of her “How To Feel Sexy At Any Size” teleclasses and thought it was great, especially for those new to Body Acceptance. Check out her blog, too! I love her weekly affirmations!

Brace yourself before reading, but you must read this from about how it seems nearly okay to kill a fat person.

Saw these (awesomeness!) on

“This is not just a fat people’s issue, and it doesn’t have a physical face. My fat body does not engender consumerism or over-consumption. My fat body is not an epidemic. My fat body is a combination of genetics and shame breeding compulsion and failed diets adding pounds I wouldn’t have gained had my parents known how to encourage me to love my body as it was. It’s also the empty calories of a standing in line for government cheese, working class, meat and potatoes, latchkey kid, TV as my babysitter kind of youth. My fat body is also a warrior that carries my tender heart safely through a world that judges it every single day. My fat body is not a signifier or a dark omen. It is not part of the fall of mankind. My fat body is mine and only I know its story. This is true of all fat bodies and lumping those of us with them together and calling us an epidemic is both insulting and dangerously oversimplified.”

— -Stacy Bias

“Self-loathing is not a fucking character-builder. It doesn’t make you stronger. It doesn’t make you better. It’s just an ever-deepening, creepy-ass trap; a trap that is a huge moneymaker for corporations that do not have and never will have good intentions. You’re not disgusting. You’re not freakish. You’re not ugly. And you’re never going to be perfect. And holy shit, that is so okay.”

— Jane, Casual Blasphemies

As for me? Today, this is in my head and that is alllllllriiiiight!!!

(Shakes head realizing exactly where my personal dance-style is rooted! Ha-ha!)

What’s on your mind? Tell me all about it! =0)

Return The Diet Tip Favor, Positively


This post from made me realize that we must arm ourselves in a positive way against those that would have us hiding or shaming ourselves. While getting through to any major news outlet is nearly impossible (corporate sponsorships and all) there must be a way for us to turn those unsolicited dieting tips into a positive moment. So here’s what I propose: A neat & handy card, like a business card, only with a positive message and a website for them to look into if they so choose. This way they can simply go about their business OR they could see what it is that has you so happy and not wanting to diet! This is my first draft, please comment with your suggestions:

self acceptance card draft 1

This was it’s not super confrontational. When they give you a diet tip or other such nonsense, simply hand them the card…or better yet, say, “Oh! I think you might like this!” and then hand them the card. Maybe it will feel less defensive that way? I don’t know. Just a  first draft and I am open to other options, for sure!

If you do like the card as is and would like the pdf for your own use, comment and I will email it to you! Yay!

Fighting Hate With Big Fat Love


I think this week has left us all a bit raw or vulnerable feeling. It almost seems as though the entire nation is coming to a head over various topics of hate. Suddenly, hate is all popular for some reason. I’m wondering if that reason isn’t related directly to the election next week. I’m also considering the possibility that a lot of this is due to sheer frustration with our lives, economy and impotent government. So much hate spewed back and forth, criss-crossing all over the place. For what? What does it get you in the end? It certainly can’t help you sleep at night.

I have spent a lot of time thinking about this over the last two days. I have spent a lot of time in my head thinking about a lot of things. Yeah, I’m having one of those moments in time where I’m looking at my life as a whole. After a fabulous week last week and then a huge-ass downer of a b-day on Monday? Well, I’m pooped! Maybe I spend too much time in my head, maybe not enough. I don’t know.

I do know that I’m still here and willing to fight the good fat fight! It’s super hard, but I’m patient and stubborn. I’m not going anywhere. Because no matter who you are, what you look like or what you’re doing? Someone hates it! But more importantly, someone loves it and you!

I have been so impressed with my fellow FA bloggers this week. I am so grateful to have them in my life. They seriously know how to write some great and articulate backlash posts! I’m not so good with that. You see, I get mad and just start swearing up a storm until the words go away entirely. Ha! And where my head is at this week? I don’t need anyone telling me that I don’t deserve the life I have worked so very fucking hard to have let alone love or the movement of my own body. I don’t need hate in my life. At all.

I don’t want the world to see me as exclusively sexually attractive or not. I don’t want to be the example of someone’s morality diatribe. I don’t want to be seen as anything but me and my multi-faceted self. I want to be left the hell alone to do my living and breathing things. I don’t need lady magazines telling anyone that just by existing I am somehow wrong and representative of all things sinful and gross. Had I wanted the opinion of, well, anyone? I’d fucking ask!

I don’t believe in hate. My religion is truth and kindness. I do think that your actions come full circle back to you. I believe in equality for everyone and not just a select few. I’m not saying that we can hug and positive think our troubles away, not at all. What I am saying is that when someone comes from a place of great privilege, they need to check themselves before they (yep, I’m gonna say it) riggety-wreck themselves! And gee, you don’t wanna see fat people kissing? Well, too bad for you! Better close your eyes today, for tomorrow fat love shall rule! (Man, I wish I could be there).

The more we are publicly fat, I think, the more normal we will (one day) be seen. I think this hate spewing is done by just a select few, but loudly. So hey, time to crank up the volume on our side and let those who are fearful know that they are not alone, they are worthy and they should have every right to all things anyone else does. You can end the hate in your heart by loving and giving when and where you can.

How else can we fight against those who would have us killed simply for being fat?

Fat Hate From Marie Claire Blogger


Please go to and read today’s post! Because it perfectly illustrates exactly why I write this blog and why I go out of my way to be publicly fat and why we have to fight tooth and nail to be seen as even close to equals. And I know it’s never easy! And it may never get easier, but I sure as hell am not giving up, especially in the face of such fat hate as the above post talks about.

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