Since many parts of the world are getting colder right now I thought why not try something different than the old Tank Top Tuesday posts and go in the opposite direction: Winter Wear! I also hope to do a coat shopping guide/options post soon. Please see below for information on how you can submit your own pics and info for future posts. Thanks.
This week’s submission comes from my good friend Robin! Woo hoo!
These were from last winter. It was so nice at the snow! I don’t have a philosophy or anything I am just happy with who I am flaws and all! ;0)

Thanks Robin! You know I love you, gurl! <3
I am taking submissions from anyone who wants to participate in “Fats in Winter Wear†posts! Email your pics here: notblueatall@notblueatall.com, please include the name you’d like in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on winter wear or other fatty philosophies. Have fun with it!
For additional content, links, aricles, stuff and more, please “Like†the blog’s Facebook Page. Thanks!
Growing up poor the word glamorous didn’t even enter my life until high school. I wasn’t yet the word nerd I am now (I know I don’t exactly use my love of words here, wev). Later when the fantastic British comedy Absolutely Fabulous came into my life, I was suddenly obsessed! I bought a metallic silver mini backpack that I wore as a purse for ages! I would wear the weirdest jewelry and shoes! I felt at the time that I was somehow emulating those glamorous women when in fact I was laying the foundations of my own quirky style! I sourced much of my stuffs from Ross (Dress For Less) and the Contempo Casuals Outlet that I worked at.
I also see a hint of what I have found myself doing now which is adding a touch of glam to every day. No matter what I’m wearing or what I am doing I try to add just a little something to make me feel good! I don’t know, I suppose it’s useless or silly to some, but they underestimate the value of silly! Woo! I’m sure some of you have noticed my increasing use of fancy-fucky headbands, this was the reintroduction of glam for me most recently. My collection has grown! Ha-ha! But then rather than a typical blag wrist-let, I went with the silver bangle style. Glam! Instead of my usual “dress docs” (Doc Marten’s I wear to dress up things) I wore my black patent leather shoes with the cutie side bow on NYE! There is something about that little touch of glamor that make me smile.
One thing I adore and use all of the time are these two tote bags I got for free on Black Friday from Avenue (click the pic for the link). I have the red and purple and use them for sooooo much! Mostly groceries as of late, but the reactions I get from baggers and checkers is always fun. But they are great for any damned thing! They are sturdy with nice long straps so I can throw ’em over a shoulder. But they are cheap enough, and because they were

The other thing I’ve been enjoying is NYC Cosmetics Liquid Lipshine (click the pic for the link). My friend Jeanette talked me into buying the Midtown Mulberry and I use it almost every day now! It smells like vanilla cupcakes or that raw sugar lotion from bath and body works. It’s just yummy and the color is perfect for me! Even if I’m not wearing any other make up I will slap some of this gloss on and feel FABULOUS!!!

What bit of glam do you add to your daily routine? Do you rock a hair bird or giant flower barrette? I’ve been wanting to try the new nail stamping things, but haven’t truly committed to it yet. I know I have readers who love that stuff. Please recommend a good, beginner and affordable kit or something I could put together myself, perhaps. What other glam things should I check out? Lay it on me!
I had the best NYE ever! Not even exaggerating. It was so much fun! Jeanette and I went to a local BBW club and drank ourselves silly! Okay, I think the silly would have happened anyway, but since I’m fully embracing and enjoying the silly, I’m all about it! But they did have drink specials if you bought a pitcher of a cocktail…we ended up with three pitchers! And can I just say how fucking babin’ we looked? Mean, we looked fantastic! It felt like a prom to the two of us, minus the dudes in suits and corsages.
They had this cool red carpet as you walk in and they interviewed people as they arrived. It was very classy! As we walked up and Tigress began to ask us what our resolutions and wishes were for the new year, Jeanette came up with a gem right on the spot, “We don’t Resolute, We Revoloosh!” Which we then quoted throughout the evening. And we had a great spot to sit where we could watch everyone coming in as well as on the dance floor. People would just come up and chat with us, it was lovely!
I’d gotten my dress and petticoat from ChicStar.com and had used a fabulous coupon code and got free shipping. I got the size 28, but it was quite big in the bust, not a good thing for dancing. So I got it tailored and now it fits perfectly! I really should utilize that as an option in the future. I’m wearing my black, winter length teggings. And my Fat necklace that I got on etsy ages ago.

Jeanette got the Dahlia Dress from Swak Designs. Her shoes were gorgeous silver flats from Blowfish. Her shrug or “sleeves” was from LucieLu.com. And I believe her necklace was from Torrid (corrected). The fabric of that dress is so gorgeous, it’s mimics a Dupiani silk, though it is not. I just loved it!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend no matter what you did. 2012 is already fabulous in my book, I just know it will be a year of fun and adventure! I start my new job tomorrow and I’m still working on putting the Fatty Affair together! I am so fucking excited for that! I hope to see some of you there! I just want 2012 to be about positive things and meeting people and just rockin’ the shit out of this thing! Ha-ha! Take care of you! *Hugs* <3
How are you? No really, how are you feeling right now? I’m feeling pretty damned good, I must say. This past week has given me time to reflect and appreciate what I have and those I love. I haven’t done much, physically, but only because my left knee has been completely fucked…certainly not because I was lacking in spirit. These last few days hanging out with my husband and our puggyman and our tabby-cat and our BFFs and just all of it. The wine and food and laughs and games and fun and silliness! You know what? That is the spice of life, silliness! To be so at ease with yourself and whomever you are in proximity to just let go and be silly? That is the raddest thing of all!
Tomorrow night my friend Jeanette and I are hitting up a local BBW club for their NYE party. I’m so excited! I’m so nervous! That is so weird, I don’t really get nervous anymore. But it feels a bit like prom or something. I’ve never gone out on NYE. Well, okay, to friends’ houses or whatever, but never dressed up and never to a big fab party! We both bought dresses for it and are talking about up-dos and sparkly shoes and it’s so fun! I feel girly! I don’t often get to engage this side of me so it feels strange and adventurous! I will no doubt have many pictures to share, but more importantly, the experience itself. I know so many aren’t able or aren’t confident enough to do things like this. But this is why I do it!
I do it to show that you can even be a death fatty like me and have a great NYE or dress up and go out dancing or anything your heart desires! I do it to normalize fatness. I do it to feel fucking awesome! I do it to push back against the haters that would have us all hidden away or worse! When I try a new style of fashion that I’ve never seen on a fat person, I am pushing boundaries for myself and others. I love that! When I am unafraid and unapologetic about myself and my size? I am throwing a big middle finger to anyone who thinks that I should just shut up and conform!
That is punk rock, baby! And PUNK WILL NEVER DIET!!!
I hope that you have a safe and fun NYE no matter what you do. I hope that you will refuse to engage in the self-hating ritual of resolutions and consider ReVolutions instead! Check out some resources at that link or : revolutionsresources.blogspot.com
I do think that even small acts can create a ripple effect and together we can make a big fatty wave of positive goodness! I hope 2012 treats us all much better than 2011 did. I for one am glad it’s over and done with. I am hopeful for the coming year and it’s endless possibilities and opportunities. Here’s to you and yours! Aand Cheers to all on Earth!
The other day when I posted about a certain deodorant ad campaign many mentioned what they thought upon viewing the image. Some of us guessed it’s implications. I am still considering it all, honestly, as I do feel those images are loaded. We’ve discussed at length what we don’t like to see in advertising. We have all lamented about what we hate to see and read and hear, but that got me thinking that we should discuss what we would like to see. So many products are marketed to us or our gender or our age group, etc. I so rarely see anything I like let alone would tolerate. So what would you like to see…
In a deodorant ad for men? For women?
Shaving or hair removal products?
Weight loss ads?
I will tell you one thing, that new weight watchers commercial with Jennifer Hudson singing with her old fat self? It makes me a special kind of angry. The kind where I get all rage face-y and can’t articulate my exact thoughts. UGH! WHY?! But then I thought, well, what would I like to see?
I guess I’d like to see more information, more personal stories, more positive representations in general. I’d like to see people. Real people and not just singers and actors. I’d like a sense of realness and reality and not the kind that has sex tapes.
I’d like to see ads for senior citizens that don’t include a dog or a grandchild or that red pulsating light flashing over joints and lower backs to depict pain.
I’d like to see products marketed for their fine features and durability or sustainability. I’d like to see every car commercial from this day forward have the MPG rating in large print, at the top of the screen! I’d like to never see a prescription ad campaign ever again!
So…what would you like to see?