
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Friday is for Fun!


I’ve always thought that Fridays were Fun days. As a kid, well no school on the weekend, so partay! Ha! But now, even though I work on Saturdays, I still get a little giddy about it being Friday. And when I think of Friday in this way I think of other fun things. Like my old retail days when I’d get paid on Fridays (too bad no pay for me now, but wev). And I think of the Janet Jackson song “Escapade” (FAB SONG)!

Oh man, that album? So good! Even now. The dances she does in the above video are still in my head from way back when. In fact, I remember buying that CASSETTE at Rainbow Records with my babysitting/paper rout money. Oh man, soooo cool! And then being in the 2nd row for her Rythm Nation tour?! To die!

Ahem. Anyway, Fridays are totes fun, you guys! Ha-ha! I used to only post about music on Fridays (and technically the videos count, right?) but I think I prefer to talk about fun things instead. Or just leave it open for whatever.

Tomorrow night my two bestest friends are accompanying me to:

I am sooooo excited! For a bunch of reasons, but this just sounds fucking fattastic! And BONUS! Marilyn Wann, author of “Fat? So!” will be there, too! WOOT! I’ve been facebook chatting with her off and on for nearly a year now and well, we’ve never met. I doubt we’ll meet tomorrow, but if we do I hope I don’t make a damned fool of myself. I mean, she is the ultimate fat celebrity! Her and Beth Ditto? I would die! Ha-ha! I hope I don’t die, but I know it’ll be a blast and I cannot wait. If photos are allowed, y’all gotta know I’ll be posting ’em on Monday!
(For tickets:

Did you miss Lady Gaga on The Today Show? Here’s a Video:

Gershwin? Fabulous! Gotta love the Gaga! She is such a professional performer. I recently read/saw an interview where she mentions not ever even drinking water on-stage. She really wants her fans/little monsters to see her as other worldly or non-human. Just this living breathing piece of ever evolving art. So cool! But you know, water is needed when singing…I don’t know how she does it. I did once see Henry Rollins for his 25th anniversary spoken word tour and she talked, non-stop for like 2.5 hours without taking so much as a singly sip of the bottle of water on a stool next to him. I’m not the fan of his I used to be (fat hater that he is), but that is impressive!

What are your plans, darlings? Anything exciting and fun planned for the weekend? Tell me all about it!

posted under FUN!

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