2010: Pay It Forward!
Last year my dear friend J dubbed 2009 the year of firsts. Boy, he couldn’t have hit the nail on the head harder! Whew! What a friggin’ year?! This time last year I didn’t know what I was going to do with my life. I maybe had the first sign of an idea about possibly maybe opening a café…little did I know! Ha! Bit it truly was an exciting year.
This year my dear friend P has dubbed 2010 the year of paying it forward. As in doing random acts of kindness and when one is done for you, you must pay it forward threefold (yes, just like the movie). I would also like to continue the theme of firsts because I feel like there are just too many things in the world I’ve yet to experience or do and so I’ll stick to that as well. But I’m all about paying it forward, too!
I am quite fond of this new trend J started last year of giving it a theme. No resolutions needed, wanted or required. And last year at this time believe me when I say that my prospects were slim. Now look at me! Okay, I’m not rolling in dolla-bills or roses, but I’m on my way to independence, baby and there is nothing sweeter than that!
With last year’s theme I was able to completely change how I make decisions. I used to of course weigh the pros and cons of any endeavor or purchase. Constantly doing some sort of research on something because I had the time (I was unemployed) was comfortable making “informed†decisions. Now? Well, now I fly by the seat of my pants every day and give little thought to all of the possible ways it could fail. Where has it gotten me? I started my own business, signed a killer lease and found a community in a town I knew nothing about. I’ve made friends and done things I never would have done before.  Last year I was full of anxieties and fears, but this year I am full of excitement and overall joy.
I’m not saying this is just the end all be all thing to do, but it has worked out just swell for me.
Just wanted to point out that J came up with pay it forward. I know I tried to add something to it, but for the life of me I cannot remember.
Yeah, you wanted to add getting to the things we’ve all put off…but all you mentioned was a play.