Q & A: Lay it on me!
I’ve had a few people encourage me to start video blogging. I took this as a great compliment, but I’m a bit stuck as to what to actually say/do. So I thought perhaps we could kick things off with some Q & A’s! What do you think? Easy-peasy, I’d say.
I have a bit of a change of scenery the next couple of weeks and I think it would make for more interesting videos, too. I will also have more alone time and this would help me focus and not do goofy things as I tend to do when alone too much. Ha-ha!
So, leave a question in comments or on this blog’s Facebook Page and I will answer via video! Woo! You can ask me anything you like. You can ask me about fat things, girl things, TMI things, fatshion things, sex things, geeky things, silly things…Anything! Y’all should know by now that I am open to whatever you got for me. 😉
Have fun with it and I will as well. I can’t wait to see what you’ve got for me.
Rad Fatty Love to you All!