
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

The Agony of Defeat…


Not really, but I woke up with horrible back pain. So much that I cannot lean forward at all. Getting dressed and ready for an interview this morning is proving beyond difficult. So I am sorry but I do not have a TMI or TTT post today. Feel free to submit your own here: and I will try to post when I get back from the interview. I just have to tough this out until then anyway and then I can take something and lay down, hopefully. Anyone else pull their back in their sleep? I’ve woken up with neck things and arm things, but not like this. Ugh!

I’m not able to find my inner bad ass at the moment and I’m dressing in typical office bullshit wear. Is this giving up? I don’t think it is. The company I’m interviewing with is legit and I feel I need to step up and be more legit myself. Even with my possibly-re-shaped-without-my-knowledge-yesterday-tooth, I think I can smile and charm my way through this thing, if the pain doesn’t get the better of me. UGH!!! Shit, if I can get through this with even a minutely positive result, then I can do anything!

Thanks for reading.


ETA: So my husband was home for lunch when I got back from the interview. Het got me all nicely set up with Tacos De Oro and a heating pad. I took an advil and I am feeling better already. The interview went alright, it was difficult because of the pain, but I think the hiring manager really liked me. But I was the first interview for the position, still have the entire week to go. I’m  hoping that my experience will  give me an edge and I like the office, very near me and the people seem very cool. The process should take about two weeks she said, so we’ll see. Here’s what I wore, I felt like a dork and in a ton of pain, but I muddled through:


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4 Comments to

“The Agony of Defeat…”

  1. On November 8th, 2011 at 12:17 pm E. Ai B. Says:

    Hope you feel better. I’ve pulled a muscle in my back that I didn’t feel until I got up the next morning, but it doesn’t feel as bad as what you are describing. Resting is the best thing sounds like, good luck with interviews…

  2. On November 8th, 2011 at 2:05 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    E. Ai B.: thanks hun. My husband was home when I got back from the interview and set me up with tacos and a heating pad. I took some advil and I feel better already.

  3. On November 9th, 2011 at 3:49 am Dee Says:

    You look great in your suit, and hope you get the job, and I hope you feel better soon!

  4. On November 9th, 2011 at 11:55 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Dee: thanks, hun. I’m still in a lot of pain, but I appreciate your thoughts.

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