Tank Top Tuesday!!!
Today’s Tank Top Tuesday pictures are from Nikki. Here is her fat philosophy:
“On a steaming hot day in July in 2000, I decided that I would not die of heat exhaustion because I’m fat. I decided….TO GO SLEEVELESS! It was sheer madness! I went out and bought tank tops and spaghetti straps. I even bough a halter top! GASP!Â
My family refers to my arms as “tharms” = thigh+arm. Sometimes they call them turkey wings. Yeah. Nice people. But ya know what, my wings are flapping in a cool breeze and I LOOK AWESOME!Â
Yesterday I read a great line from “The Help” by Kathryn Stockett: “Ever morning, until you dead in the ground, you gone have to make this decision….You gone have to ask yourself, Am I gone believe what them fools say about me today?â€
Today, and every day, I make a decision not to believe that my lovableness is determined by my size. I decide not to believe that I am less than. I decide not to hate myself. I decide that I am beautiful. I decide that I am brilliant. I decide that I am more than even I can recognize in this moment. I decide to live into just how good I am. I decide to act in my best interest, to move forward and not backwards, to embrace the fullness of my self – body, mind and spirit.Â
That’s my fat philosophy. It’s not easy to do everyday, but what is?Â
I recently started a meetup group for fat folks and our friends. It’s called “Philly Plus.” http://www.meetup.com/Philly-BBW/
 Thank you for the lovely submission, Nikki! You are fabulous!!!
I am taking submissions from anyone who wants to exercise their right to Bare Arms! Email your pics here: notblueatall@notblueatall.com, please include the name you’d like included in the post, a blog or etsy shop you wanna plug, your thoughts on bare arms or other fatty philosophies. It does not have to be in a tank top, so long as your arms are bare. Have fun with it!
Also, feel free to still treat comments as TMI topic/discussion area! Feel free to ask TMI questions or just vent/rant about your own stuff. I love it! We all do! =0)
I have issues with the arm bearing thing–not for other people, but for myself. I’m fairly self-conscious about my arms. I’m irritated by the new trend in women’s t-shirts to have a super-short sleeve. I like a longer, looser sleeve. I’ve actually had to buy t-shirts–and scrub tops–a size up because these shortie sleeves tend to be too tight.
Is that you in the pictures? You look fantastic!
@Faycin A Croud: I completely understand how you feel. If it wasn’t for the big fat summer challenge I did last summer, I wouldn’t have been able to go sleeveless in public either. At home I could, my husband would always encourage me to do it, too, but it never felt right. And then I just started to push myself and I began to understand that it was all me. And I (and you) deserve to be comefortable no matter what that means or feels or looks like. Do what feels best for you and see where it takes you.
And no, that is Nikki, not me. But yes, she is a gorgeous lady! <3
hahaha Nikki! 🙂 what a small wonderful world. I can personally attest to how awesome, beautiful!, vivacious, charismatic, and all around wonderful this woman is. (what a strange small world this is 🙂
Damn, Nikki, but you’re AWESOME!
And that quote definitely resonates with me, too. What point is there in living a life where you believe every crappy thing anyone tells you about you? I’d rather believe the best about myself. It helps me be the best I can be.
@Twistie: Yes! I was so in awe of Nikki’s TTT submission. She is an amazing lady! But so are you, and me, and all of us! Woo!
Atta girl, Nikki!!!
@Jery: Hmm…never seen you without sleeves, sir. You feel like a bit of a challenge? Or sticking with the cheering section? Love ya either way! <3
Thanks All!!!
@Faycin – Trust me. I was self-conscious the first summer I did it. I was just so HOT (it was like a perpetual hot flash that year) that I couldn’t bare the material on my skin.
I think that was the same summer I stopped wearing shorts under skirts. They’d just started marketing chafing cream and if I kept a tube or two in my purse, I could go round without the extra layer beneath my dress.
Next challenge for me: Bathing suits WITH AN OPEN BACK!!! Back rolls be damned!
@Nikki: That is awesome! Might I ask which chafing creams you’ve tried? I haven’t tried any and am sick of the bulk of shorts under my dresses. I am worried that because I’m a death fatty and my thighs are larger than most that they won’t work for me. I’d love your thoughts and experiences.
@Not Blue – I qualify as a death fatty too. I’ve used Monistat chafing gel. I’ll tell you, it must be popular cuz it’s never on the shelf. When they had it in stock, I’d buy 5 or 6 at a time. Over the years, though, I think I built up some kind of inner thigh callus. I no longer chafe at all when I wear skirts.
@Nikki: Alrught, I will give it a shot! Thank you so much! <3
Gorgeous woman, even better philosophy! I’ve officially been inspired:=D
Woo Hoo!
@Not Blue: I also suffer from Babyrash-itis when I wear skirts/shorts. I tried the Monistat chafing gel, but it didn’t work for me. I found that the clear gel Secret antiperspirant works better for me. Don’t get me wrong, the Monistat works really well for a lot of people, but I wanted to give you an alternative in case you’re like me and it doesn’t.
@Eliz: Thanks. Yeah, I mean, I’ve heard mixed reviews on all of these products but not really from any death fats so I wanted to hear that side of it, too. It seems yet again something to experiment and figure out on one’s own…dammit! ‘Cause I do not have money for such things. Biker shorts it remains. <3
Yays for Nikki! Love that red dress BTW.
I love seeing fatties bearing their arms proudly.
@Kath: Oh me, too, Kath! Woo Hoo!