Blogs I Enjoy
I often get asked what blogs I enjoy reading. My usual response is “Oh you know, all the fatty blogs.” but there is more to it than that. So I thought I would share some of my “must reads” here with you today (that aren’t on the fat-o-sphere feed). And please feel free to post your favorite (or even your own) blogs in comments! I love finding news ones! =0)
Dances With Fat has a great post about body size not being a diagnosis in and of itself! Taking aim at modern medicine and pointing directly to the problem! Love it!
Fat Girl Posing shares some fat modeling photos and discusses the politics of having a fat body (some pics are NSFW).
Finessing The Fuck You has a great one on brushing off your inner hater! Check it out!
My gal Psycho Sue does a fab acoustic cover of Lady Gaga’s “Born This Way” for all the freaks of the world!
If you’re a fan of all things created with cake, check out Cake Wrecks for a daily dose of hilarity and awesome sauce! My husband and I love to watch the Food Network Challenges…but seeing the “wrecks” is sometimes more fun! <3
For those who are Gluten-Free I offer up the often mentioned BFF Steph’s blog Wasabimon! So many recipes, so much goodness…all without Gluten! WOO!
Fatkini Riot is keepin’ it real and puttin’ it all out there! Yeah, FATkini! You read it right. It’s fabulous!!!
Fat Acceptance/Pride/Positive Groups on Facebook! Do you run a group? Are a member of one? I’d love to hear all about it! I have one for my monthly meet up group and am a member of a couple (but they are closed I believe). Do share if you are able. I think it’s a great way to converse online with other fats without the formalities of a blog.