
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Self Acceptance


Sometimes I hear or see things that just strike a chord with me. I’m sure this happens to you, too. You hear or see something and you think to yourself, “Wow! That is so true/me!” And you have to just smile or laugh or whatever. It’s marvelous! This human connection we have.

I was listening to the radio yesterday and while most of what the show was about was full of hooey (in my opinion), but then they started to speak about self acceptance. Now within a specific frame or context, which is what I’m used to, it might sound like so much I’ve heard before. But then they said something very powerful and something that will be familiar to anyone in fat acceptance. They asked people to say out loud:

“I love and accept myself”

It’s so simple, yet difficult for many to say. Some of the people would start to say it, but then begin to cry or have to take deep breaths between words. One lady was very ashamed of being a smoker while also raising two young girls. So they had her say, “Even though I smoke, I love and accept myself.” She almost couldn’t do it. She had to restart a few times, but in the end she did it. I was moved!

I know some of you subscribe to Golda Poretsky’s weekly affirmations, and this may have been one of them at some point, but this is so very basic and worth saying out loud for yourself, to yourself, every single day! Try it out and let me know how it feels. Why? Because it feels pretty damned good if you ask me!

I’ve been on my own self acceptance journey for nearly six years now and I can honestly say that I love and accept myself. Now more than ever! And I love and accept you, too! I hope that you can find whatever it takes within you to love and accept yourself, always.


6 Comments to

“Self Acceptance”

  1. On February 18th, 2011 at 3:58 pm Lauren Says:

    I have a sign hanging in my room that says “I am worth taking care of! YES!”
    I seriously have a hard time saying I accept and love myself. I’m getting better, but some days it’s an up hill battle…

  2. On February 18th, 2011 at 4:09 pm Not Blue at All Says:

    Nobody ever said anything worth doing would be easy. Worth it, but not easy. <3

  3. On February 21st, 2011 at 8:14 am Twistie Says:

    Dang! I can’t believe I didn’t comment on this before! Long weekend.


    I’m not much of an affirmation kind of gal, but I do think that reminding oneself occasionally that you’re worth loving is important, however you go about it. Whether it’s affirmations or treats or some other form of self care, we should all remember to do it often.

  4. On February 21st, 2011 at 8:41 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Oh yes! Self care is vital! =0)

  5. On April 12th, 2011 at 10:04 am Larissa Says:

    I love your post! I think that working towards accepting yourself is very challenging but can be very rewarding. It is something I’ve been working on for a while now as well. I read a really great article with some helpful steps to take at I hope your readers enjoy!

  6. On April 12th, 2011 at 10:21 am Not Blue at All Says:

    Aw, thanks! I think there’s no doubt about the rewards. Thanks!

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