
I'm just a fat gal with a blog and an opinion. Well, lots of opinions.

Step 3: Keep Going


This is the third in a series of things that have helped me, I believe in, or people have asked me to share. Basically, things I do or think or whatever that have helped me be a better person, activist and positive fat lady. Check out  Step 1 and Step 2

Step 3: Keep Going
Sometimes, this is the hardest step. For me, this week and right now, it is very difficult. But somehow my current reality has proven the point for me. I woke up yesterday, right before a big interview, with terrible and inexplicable back pain. That interview may have been the hardest one to get through yet and not because of the usual stuff, just the pain itself. But I did it. As I was getting ready I tried to just put the pain out of my mind, as hard as that may seem, and focus on the tasks at hand. Getting dressed was possibly the worst bit. When I couldn’t lean let alone bend forward, pants became a problem, but my previously planned outfit that included teggings or tights would have been far worse. So, with much swearing and many funny sounds coming out of me, I managed to get into my old business wear and pearls and get to the interview on time.
I spent the rest of the day and night in complete misery, but I got through that interview, dammit! No one can take that away from me! And that to me is the point of  “Keep Going.” Even when it’s hard, even when it hurts, even if you wanna give up, sometimes you just have to find it in yourself to keep going. “Don’t let the bastards get ya down!” Right?! Because no one can make you keep going, no amount of cheer-leading will give you the nerve or the strength or the will to keep going, I do believe that you have to find it within yourself.
I’m in no way discounting the importance of support, this is vital, but it’s not a given. Some of us don’t have our support systems set up yet. Some of us still struggle with blood related family and haven’t found our chosen family yet. That is okay. You’ll get there. You just have to keep going, you just have to believe in yourself and know that you are worth every ounce of effort. I know I keep telling myself that I’ll be okay, the pain will go away. And isn’t it funny that I woke up this way and didn’t injure myself doing something silly or wild or fun?! Ha-ha!
So, I may randomly yell obscenities and bizarre sounds without a care to whom may hear or what they may think, but dammit, I must keep going! For myself and for fat liberation and it will get better. Life is too short not to. And shit, it just goes to show that you shouldn’t hold yourself back from doing those silly things since you can wake up with an injury just as easily, eh?! Ha-ha!
Step 1: Stop Giving A Damn, Step 2: Do What Makes You Happy and Step 3: Keep Going! Bust out that cape or Tiara, strut your stuff to your theme song and just Keep Going!
2 Comments to

“Step 3: Keep Going”

  1. On November 11th, 2011 at 4:02 am NotBlueAtAll » Blog Archive » Step 4: Be Honest, Even When It Scares Them/You Says:

    […] This is the fourth in a series of things that have helped me, I believe in, or people have asked me to share. Basically, things I do or think or whatever that have helped me be a better person, activist and positive fat lady. Check out  Step 1,  Step 2, and Step 3 […]

  2. On August 17th, 2016 at 9:53 am NotBlueAtAll » Blog Archive » Step 10: Share! Says:

    […] have helped me be a better person, activist and positive fat lady. Check out  Step 1,  Step 2, Step 3, Step 4, Step 5, Step 6, Step 7, Step 8 and Step […]

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